Marc Powell
2 min readApr 8, 2023


My dear boy,

I write this from an Emergency Room bed. You are with me. Only a moment ago you gave yourself permission to rest. You never cease to amaze me; forever monitoring my well-being and safety.You are relaxed, cuddled at my side and dozing off. Even as you slumber you will monitor foot traffic as ER staff enter and exit our room. Your love and concern is relentless.

When I look at you I am humbled. Humbled and grateful for your unconditional loyalty and pure heart. I don't thank you enough for choosing me.

I wonder. Are you aware of the profound and epic ways you changed... everything? I struggle to remember life before you. I cannot imagine a life without you.

Selfishly and desperately I wish I could have you forever. If I could donate years of my own life to make our lifelines equal length I would not hesitate. The discrepancy between human and dog life expectancies is cruel. It would be unbearable if not for the knowledge your wish will be granted. You will have me forever.

As your guardian I hope and strive to make you feel a portion of the safety and comfort I feel just from looking at you. I promise I will never stop trying. It is the least you deserve.

Myself and many others have witnessed your power and ability to heal. Creatures both great and small, human and otherwise have forever been changed by and because of you. You create miracles. You create miracles because you are a miracle.

My heart beats because of you, Phoenix. Figuratively and literally you saved me and continue to do so never asking for anything in return. Your ability to lift and guide me is consistent and heroic. Your capacity for love and forgiveness is stunning. When I grow up I want to be just like you.

Still snuggled next to me I look at you. It was my belief I could not be more proud of or love you more than yesterday or even five minutes ago. You are dreaming. Dreaming that dream you dream only when at peace and full rest.

The hair on the back of my neck is standing on end. I see it now. I feel it. My admiration, gratitude and love for you is greater than yesterday or even five minutes ago. It continues to grow and does so exponentially.

You are the definition of grace and loved unconditionally. Thank you for inspiring me to paint beauty with the ashes. Thank you for making me a better human.

You will forever be my Little Man. Rest well, Phoenix.