Digital Marketing in the Era of Virtual Reality: The Ultimate Intro Guide

6 min readJun 13, 2022


‍As the world races towards a digital-first future, so too does our understanding of what that world might look like. With this new understanding of virtual and augmented reality, marketers have an entirely new arena in which to operate. While once separate from marketing (and most other digital channels), VR is now a key component. As such, brands are investing in initiatives designed to integrate VR into their broader marketing strategies. Virtual reality (VR) is rapidly emerging as one of the latest and most immersive ways for people to experience things they can only imagine right now. At its very core, VR is an experience that’s almost impossible to explain with words alone — it has to be seen and experienced first-hand in order for someone to truly understand it.

What is Virtual Reality?

The most basic way to understand virtual reality is to compare it to real life. This is the closest most people will come to truly understanding what it is. Virtual reality, then, is the ultimate online experience: You’re in a simulated reality that’s almost indistinguishable from reality. Perhaps the best way to think of it is this: In virtual reality, you are someone else. VR is not only about what you see in front of you when you’re wearing the headset — it’s also about the other senses. VR can bring sounds, smells, touch, and even taste into the experience. It’s this sensory fusion of the real and the virtual that make VR experiences incredibly immersive. VR is also distinct from augmented reality. In this concept, you’re not getting a fully immersive virtual experience — just new layers of information overlaid on top of what you’re seeing in the real world. Think of it like taking a picture of the Eiffel Tower with your phone: You’re seeing the real Eiffel Tower, but you’re also adding a digital layer of information, such as a digital map. AR is a fascinating concept, but one that’s yet to find its stride.

How virtual reality works in development

VR headsets are the key to virtual reality experiences. You put them on and see the world through a screen — not a physical screen, but a responsive one. You don’t see the outside world through a screen; you see the world through a screen. This means that VR experiences need to be designed specifically for VR to work. You can’t just load up a website in an AR headset and expect the experience to work. VR experiences are often designed for a specific headset. The best example of this is the HTC Vive headset. You can’t just buy a Vive, plug it in, and expect it to work with any VR experience. Vive-specific VR experiences are available, but they’re few and far between.

The difference between virtual reality and augmented reality

VR is the more immersive, total experience, so it’s a good idea to start there. VR is the creation of a completely artificial world that’s almost indistinguishable from the real world. Think of it like being in a different reality. Perhaps the best way to think of it is this: In virtual reality, you are someone else. On the other hand, AR is just like taking a picture of the real world. AR, then, is the addition of new layers of information onto the real world. Think of it like taking a picture of the Eiffel Tower, but you’re also adding a digital layer of information, such as a digital map. AR is a fascinating concept, but one that’s yet to find its stride.

Benefits of Virtual Reality Marketing

- Surges in brand loyalty through more authentic and meaningful interactions with fans — Engagement is at an all-time high through VR experiences, resulting in more brand exposure than ever before — VR marketing is now more than just a plaything for advertisers — it’s a legitimate medium of business — Next-gen content takes advantage of the best attributes of VR, such as immersion, and other advanced technologies, such as haptics and real-time tracking — VR marketing is not only effective on platforms such as iOS and Android, but it can also be used on a desktop or laptop — VR is fast-approaching a level of mass adoption that will make it nearly impossible to ignore — VR can be used to create and distribute informative content, such as how-to videos and explainer content — VR technology can be used for marketing campaigns, such as sponsor-free tours of an event, advertisements, and more

Why you should be using VR in your marketing right now

Virtual reality is quickly becoming the most popular method for experiencing digital media. Virtual reality is also quickly becoming the most popular way for brands to market their products and services. VR marketing is starting to become more than just a trend; it’s quickly becoming a legitimate medium of business. Virtual reality is making strides in fields such as healthcare, education, entertainment, and more — and they could use a little help from the marketing world. Since the technology is still in its early stages, demand for VR marketing is high. This means that the type of content created for VR is still in its infancy. As the technology matures, so too will VR marketing. VR marketing will only get better with age, so it’s a good idea to jump in now.

How to use VR in your marketing strategy

- Work closely with your VR software developers to ensure your content is ready to go when it comes time to launch the campaign — Understand how to create different types of experiences, such as those that are interactive or those that are passive, depending on the type of content you’re creating — Make sure your VR experience has a start and an end. Otherwise, it’ll be difficult for users to navigate back to the real world

Should you use VR in your marketing strategy?

Yes, VR will become the future of marketing, so you need to get on board. With the rapid growth of VR technology, it’s not hard to see how this could become a key part of marketing campaigns. Companies will use VR to try and make their products seem as amazing as possible. With the most popular headsets such as the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, there are endless possibilities for creating unique experiences. VR is quickly emerging as one of the latest and most immersive ways for people to experience things they can only imagine right now — and it’s only going to get better from here. VR is a great option for brands that want to stand out and capture the attention of their customers, but it’s not a good fit for any and every business.

Wrapping up

Virtual reality is rapidly emerging as one of the latest and most immersive ways for people to experience things they can only imagine right now. VR is distinct from augmented reality. VR is the more immersive, total experience, so it’s a good idea to start there. VR is the creation of a completely artificial world that’s almost indistinguishable from the real world.

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