The Agile Life Tree

A social technology with a spiritual purpose

Marcus Letts
5 min readFeb 4, 2019

Welcome, brothers and sisters, to this brand new thing called Agile Life.

Our goal is a simple one — to share our story and make new friends as we learn to live and love like Jesus.

This mini-series of Medium articles is a whirlwind introduction to Agile Life. It’s an opportunity to invite your feedback on our story so far. And above all it’s an interruption hook; a chance for our young family to reach out and get connected with people going all in for Jesus — just like us — from all over the world.

The Agile Life Story

Start here.

The Agile Life Tree

How it works. You are here!

This is Agile Life

What we do. Hold tight, I’ll publish this by the end of the week (UPDATE: We’re live!)

Seed and Fruit

Our innovation.

We identify with Jesus. This is the lens we live by. It frames everything we value and shapes the things we choose to do together. It’s the fabric of our shared experience — of an actual, lived out relationship with an actual, living Jesus.

What do we centre on? In the process of doing practical things together, we make decisions and agreements which seek Jesus and His Kingdom first. We explore, we intend, we create, we reflect and we share learning outcomes with eyes fixed on and hearts inclined towards Him. And we grow in faith and courage as we experience visible, measurable feedback which testifies to the immeasurable goodness of our God.

What sustains us? The Spirit of God, which is love. We choose to be helped and comforted by this limitless love on a daily basis. And we choose to freely give it out, too. Like trees planted along a riverbank, our desire is to bear fruit in every season.

What is excluded? Every living thing — every viable system — has boundaries and membranes. Humans are exactly the same! We reject the lies of the Enemy. We encourage, challenge and celebrate one another faithfully, leaning into scandalous grace as we learn to live our lives on purpose. 100% free from guilt, shame and condemnation!

What is our success definition? The fruit of a life lived like Jesus is love, exceedingly and abundantly. Life-changing, world-changing love is fruitful. it produces visible, measurable outcomes.

Our growth strategy is simply to be disciples who make disciples.


We’re rooted by underlying assumptions.

  • The Kingdom is here.
  • Go and make disciples.
  • Choose life.
  • When you go out and when you come in.

The Kingdom is Here. An Agile Life is always happening!

It Takes Disciples to Make Disciples. The medium is the message. We learn more from culture and environment than content. Or in other words, we model the Kingdom in word and deed.

People Are Designed To Be Free. God is sovereign, we are responsible. Learning to listen and respond takes practice. We embrace extraordinary mistakes in service of extraordinary learning.

Learning (to Live and Love Like Jesus) is Seasonal. We explore, intend, create, reflect and share in cycles.


The soil is faith. We believe in Jesus, a humble Middle Eastern carpenter who lived 2,000 years ago and said “I am God.”

Our faith is the soil in which we have been planted. Fertilised by our shared experiences. We get vulnerable together precisely so that we might grow in relationships which are invulnerable.


We’re held together by the trunk of community.

An Agile Life is relational. We support, challenge and celebrate one another’s extraordinary growth.

  • We support one another, standing together faithfully in lasting and committed relationships.
  • We challenge one another, holding space which extends mercy without limitation, in order that we might feel safe enough to step out in faith, over and over again.
  • We celebrate one another, giving thanks to God for every gift and talent and speaking prophetic words of encouragement over our lives.


The soil of faith is fertilised by shared experiences of principles (branches) and practices (leaves) which reveal God’s goodness in our lives.


Things we do together. This is how the Light of the World shines in our lives, equipping and inspiring us in the midst of our everyday life.

Prayer boards. Learning to pray, and pray continuously. Listening and responding. Receiving and giving.

Mission boards. Knowing your scroll. Being intentional, learning to live in the flow and making feedback visible. Learning how to ask God uncomfortable questions, and ask Him and others for help.

Discipleship boards. Making every agreement explicit, reversible and voluntary. Getting vulnerable to grow relationships that are invulnerable.

Game-shifting dynamics. Structure and flow. How to be comfortable holding space, learning to lead and be led.

Participants at Nature Play ALC’s ALF Summer Greece event in 2018 (NB. This is not an Agile Life event!). Photo credit: Vaggelis Palamaris

Thanks for reading, you guys.

Next up…

Discover what Agile Life looks like, day by day. Read This is Agile Life!

Hungry for more? Read The Agile Life Story!

Got questions?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out and say hello!

Get in touch by emailing, via our Facebook page, by commenting on this Medium blog or by following Emily’s Nature Play Instagram channel.



Marcus Letts

Marcus Letts is a design thinker and event producer from the UK. He lives on the isle of Evia in Greece with his wife Emily and two young boys, Seth and Lucas.