I’m a programmer, how do I learn to type faster so I can code faster?

Marcus Fernström
3 min readAug 15, 2019

I’ve started writing articles to answer questions I get all the time, I wrote this one a little while ago: Programming best practices for beginners

Another question I get surprisingly often is “I’m a beginner programmer and I’m really slow at typing, how can I learn to type faster so I can program faster?”

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

Let me start by saying you don’t need to type fast to be a good programmer.

Typing fast doesn’t hurt, but unless you’re pecking at the keyboard, one key at the, you’re fine.

Beginners find this surprising but your job as a programmer isn’t typing code, it’s solving problems.

That aside, how do you become a faster typist?

When I was a kid (Oh gods.. don’t worry, I’ll keep it short) I was an “index finger typer”. Even though computers were fun, no one had taught me how to actually type on a keyboard!

I was visiting my grandparents one summer. My grandpa had a few older 386’s sitting around (Kind of like the one below) and I found a few 5" 1/4" floppy discs so decided to play around with it.

Photo by bert sz on Unsplash

One of them was a simple typing program. You just loaded it up, entered your name, it asked if you were a beginner, and then you hit “Start typing”.

It showed me a keyboard and explained what the little divots on F and J were for (Home row), how to hold my hands, what fingers to use for what keys, etc.

And then it presented me with a word to type, and then another, etc.

After a minute (The default setting if I remember) it gave you a few stats on commonly missed keys, Words Per Minute and a few other metrics.

I didn’t know anything about anything, but I wanted to beat that crappy WPM score so I hit “Start again” and HAH!, I did it, I was a little bit better this time around! It was fun beating my own high-score :)

I kept playing with that for a while every day over the summer and at the end of it I was plenty fast!

The path to become a fast typist is very simple:

  1. Learn how to use the keyboard. How to hold your hands, what fingers to user for what keys, etc.
  2. Practice, over and over.

There are plenty of typing programs out there, a quick search found https://www.typingclub.com/ which looks like a good option at a glance.

For the record: I’m not affiliated with that site, I’ve never used it, it just looks decent at a glance.

How often and how long you should practice depends on how serious you are about getting faster.

Just 10 minutes a day of proper practice will give you pretty big results within just a week or two.

So grab yourself a typing program and star tapping those keys the right way.

Photo by Nghia Le on Unsplash

Happy typing!



Marcus Fernström

Sr. AppSec Engineer and Software Developer with a passion for open source. Historical Fencing instructor, and drinker of copious amounts of coffee and tea.