Marcus H. Johnson
2 min readApr 12, 2016


Well, I’m clearly a Clinton partisan, I’m not making any secrets about that. But everything I wrote about is true. The Clintons have a history of making positive change for Black people, and that is why they are remembered so fondly in the Black community. As for your points…

  1. Black voters dropped Hillary Clinton in 2008 because Barack Obama had a chance to the first Black President. Black voters would have dropped any candidate for the chance to see the first Black President (from the Democratic side of course). You may not understand how much that meant to Black voters, to Black people in general, who have lived under systemic racism for hundreds of years.
  2. Bernie Sanders was not a major player in Civil Rights, and everyone knows it, especially Black voters. The insinuation that some white guy we never heard of before 2015 is on par with John Lewis or Martin Luther King is insulting. It was a pretty bad campaign strategy to be honest with you.
  3. Hillary Clinton worked for Goldwater as an intern at age 16. Elizabeth Warren, liberal hero, whose endorsement Sanders desperately wanted? She was a Republican until age 47.
  4. Supporting Jesse Jackson doesn’t entitle you to the Black vote. What legislative successes does Bernie have that directly impacted Black voters?
  5. Drastically overplaying Bernie Sanders’ role in working with the CBC here.
  6. “It’s true that most voters are uneducated” — let me stop you right there. Voters are smart. They choose candidates in their best interests. Any insinuation otherwise, or that Black voters are stupid or something, that won’t fly with me. Casual bigotry needs to be kicked to the curb.
  7. Black people had a chance to read the story, they know the narrative, they know all about Bernie Sanders. And they continue to vote against him at about a 70 percent clip.



Marcus H. Johnson

Freelance Writer. Political Scientist. Three point specialist. Tattoo enthusiast. Food aficionado.