Libra & Scorpio Love Match

Marcus Riley Pike
3 min readFeb 27, 2022


Libra and Scorpio Compatibility

Libra and Scorpio have many differences.

However one of those differences is the one that will make or break this relationship. It is the number difference between your Sun Signs.

Scorpio (8) — Libra (7) = 1.

Your core difference is 1.

Number 1 is how you each act. You want different things. You start things for different reasons and do them in different ways.

Here’s how:


You act by being courageous in your relationships.


You act by being authentic in your day-to-day life.

It is crucial to understand.

In action, Libra is a mental person. Scorpio is an emotional person.

To be compatible you have to work with this.

Scorpio needs to use their emotions to make their life work. You want Libra to let you work through your stuff.

Libra needs to talk things through with their partners. You want Scorpio to put the relationship first.

Unless you sort this out, there is going to be a clash.

How you can use this difference to create a great relationship.

The key to Libra and Scorpio compatibility is:

Do NOT tell your partner what to do or expect them to do it your way. It won’t happen.

Ask them what they want and how they would do it. Then sit back, listen and learn. It is a challenge as their way is different from yours. But it is worth it.

When they have finished, they will be open to hearing your side. Then you can work on a solution that gives you both what you want and more.

I have clients who have done this in seminars in front of a large group. When one tells the other what to do, the partner withdraws. The body language is clearly resisting.

When one asks the other what they want to do, they both lean in and open up. The change is dramatic and beautiful to watch. It is instant Libra and Scorpio compatibility.

When it does not happen this way:

You become aggressive or dishonest with each other.

Libra gets tentative. Scorpio manipulates.

Scorpio gets intense. Libra acts like a coward.

How you can turn this around.

Libra and Scorpio diffuse this by taking a few deep breaths. What works best is a few deep sighs. It calms the aggression centers of your brains.

Also, connect with the energy of nature. Whatever way works for you is fine. Examples are a walk outside, flowers, crystals, the beach, a dog or cat, etc.

When you first meet, move to natural surroundings and remember to breathe. Then ask your new contact what they want or how they would do something. Then listen, share when they are ready, and explore win-win options. You will soon know if you want to carry on.

If you have been together for a while, do the same process whenever you can. It will move you both to the next level of your relationship.

What you offer each other.

Libra will help Scorpio to find their balance. Then Scorpio will be more potent.

Scorpio will help Libra to value its true emotions. Then Libra will be more committed.

The outcome is you will be a truly liberated couple.

With a difference of 1, you share a core desire.

That is to help each other become more independent. You can bring out the best in each other as individuals.

This is a paradox.

The more you help each other to be independent, the deeper and closer your bond becomes. The more you are unique and assertive, the better.

Libra and Scorpio are a great couple for starting projects that help people to break free.

The steps above are the key to all this happening.

If this is a challenge for you, or you want to take it to the next level then, contact me or one of my many associates

