Full Stack Web-Developer | Writer | Foodie

Hello! I'm Mardin, I'm a writer, a poet, a storyteller, a foodie, and now I'm pivoting into the tech world as a Web Developer. Yay to women in STEM!

Some words to describe my personality would be:

<p> Curious | Creative | Passionate | Imaginative | Thoughtful </p>

I love to read!

Every year I challenge myself to read more books than the previous year, it is by far one of the most exciting and rewarding challenges I have set for myself! I read everything that falls under the umbrella of fiction and non-fiction. I think books are a way to learn more about yourself and can also be a great escape. More recently, I created a book review Instagram account (just for fun). If you would like to follow me there, here is the link to my profile where I share what I've been reading, if I liked it, and how many shooting stars I've rated it. Often, I will share the song or songs that I was listening to while reading the book as well!

I am passionate about cooking & baking!

My favorite meal of the day is breakfast/brunch, and I love making spreads on holidays for my family and friends. Fun fact about me, I can make about 25 versions of bread. When I'm invited to friends' houses, I love baking a dessert and bringing that with me, my staples are tiramisu and bread pudding! And every year, I host a Turkey dinner for all my close friends and family. Consider this your open invitation!

I am a writer, poet, and storyteller at my core!

I have a few articles published in a magazine called LYNX, and I also collaborated with a group of writers and poets in publishing a book that has a collection of short stories and poems, called The Kurdish Progeny. I have been working on two projects on the side, a novel and a collection of poems, I hope to have them published in the new year!

Most recently, I am a Full-Stack Web-Developer and I want to share my journey with you!

I've recently embarked on a journey to enter the tech world as a Web Developer. I am currently enrolled in a Web Development Bootcamp with Lighthouse Labs in Toronto. Although it may seem like a pivot, it is only an extension of who I am, I have always been creative and passionate about storytelling, and with the help of a few new languages under my belt, I want to continue my creativity by creating projects that add value to the lives of my loved ones, and by entering the tech world, I am hoping to contribute to the gaps in the tech-society. Although I didn't consider this one last point going into Web Development, I began to notice it more during the Bootcamp: there are not enough women in tech, and if I can somehow narrow that gap, then that would be my privilege.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope that my words leave you with something to think about!

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Mardin Codes

Mardin Codes

I am a writer and storyteller at my core. I love books and bubble tea, oh and I am pivoting into the tech world as a Full Stack Web Developer.