Thass: The Area in Which Your A*s and Thigh Join as One

Body dysmorphic disorder and anorexia

Mare Sickels
4 min readMar 29, 2019
Photo by Charles 🇵🇭 on Unsplash

Thass; the area in which your ass and thigh join as one. There should be definition between the two, a thigh… then your ass, creating a “shelf” if you will. But when you start to gain weight you loose that definition, thus creating the infamous thass. ~Urban dictionary

I don’t always have a thass, but when I do, I make sure it’s a good one.

Socializing tends to grow the fluffy thigh pillows directly under my ass. I choose my social encounters well so when I see my thass in the mirror I’m reminded of good times.

“Ahhh, yes, that was spring break with the kids. Oooh that was the night Jase and I wore our matching adidas track suits and had burgers and beers. And there’s New York City when Archie played at Carnegie. Who could forget playing cards at the winery.

Long ago, my thass was the first thing I would check upon waking. I had a tangible fear that it would grow while I slept. If I suspected an increase in size I’d go for at least 2 days with no food. I honored the ritual far into adulthood.

My brain was stuck in a looping pattern of self loathing. I have a hunch it began in early childhood watching my mom struggle with her weight and my dad belittling her…



Mare Sickels

Mare just is… titles… labels…..she just is…..she loves writing, her boyfriend, cat, and kids… no particular order…..