Needletape: A Revolutionary Solution for Needlestick Injury Prevention


Healthcare sector comes with a lot of responsibility, every healthcare staff be it nurses, health workers, doctors ensure proper care and clean environment but when it comes to their own health our medical system lacks behind. Needlestick Injuries are very common and recognising this as a issue that how hazardous it is for our doctors and health staff , and finding a solution for it has been revolutionary. Needlestick injury can be described as creating a hole or open wound while handling syringes or needles comin in touch with the deceased and ill patient.

Needletape by Maria enterprise has been the best solution for such accidental injuries also called as sharp injuries as it protects any contact of used syringes with health staff keeping their health staff. It covers the area providing a protection and an outer covering.



Marea Enterprises INC

The company develops and provides medical products that support the health and safety of healthcare workers and improve patient outcomes.