May Meme Review

Maren Hamilton
4 min readJun 1, 2022


May the 4th came and went without a single peep from Narwal, so we have to ask ourselves — are we actually good at memes? Luckily for the social media team, and arguably even luckier for me, part of my job is doing monthly meme reviews now. April was a big improvement from March… But can we keep it up? Honestly I started writing these because it doesn’t take a ton of time or energy to write about memes, but based on my (secret!) stats, it seems you guys are actually enjoying them too, which I can’t thank you enough for. Thanks to you, writing about memes has become a regular part of my job, which is an absolute dream come true.

That might have gotten a little sappy and gross… Let’s just pretend it never happened. On to the meme review!

#5 Ultimate cringe — please don’t make me watch it again

What works :

So much. First of all, Dua Lipa is an absolute icon, I stan. Second of all, the joke is moderately funny and well known, which means the video is both entertaining and easy to understand. Best of all, though, is that it highlights the major selling points of our robots at the same time!

What could be improved :

Well, now I know for certain that I can’t act… That’s right, the main actress in the video is none other than yours truly. Does it still count as second-hand embarrassment if the person in the video is past-you? At this rate, Narwal is either going to have to pay for my acting lessons or my therapy sessions. The cringe is too strong, so despite the good idea, it’s a no from me.

Overall Rating : .5/10

#4 We didn’t mean it!!!

What works :

It humanises our hardworking little robot. When you’re buying a cleaning robot you might focus on its specifications and functions, but once it’s in your home, you’ll realise how endearing it is and how it quickly becomes a part of the family — so we wanted to highlight that. Also, the video is just inherently funny, gently poking fun at our fans who want a free one.

What could be improved :

Someone apologised??? We sincerely meant this as a joke, and when we say someone leave a comment saying they were sorry for always asking for a free robot, we were heartbroken. We just wanted to gently tease our fans! If we could give away free robots to everyone we could! We’re so sorry for hurting some people’s feelings :(

Overall Rating : 3/10

#3 Being heartfelt is good too!

What works :

It’s a heartfelt message from us to our fans! Our robots were made so that people could kick back and relax instead of cleaning, so why not give our fans some ideas on just how to relax? We want our fans to know that we’re there for them, so it’s worth it to be a little bit more sincere and serious sometimes.

What could be improved :

… Or is it? This post actually wasn’t super popular with our fans. I guess that while “sex sells”, sincerity isn’t quite as popular. Even though the reception wasn’t great, though, I’d still say this post way worth it. After all, we now know a bit more about what our fans are looking for.

Overall Rating : 7/10

#2 I wish I could relate

What works :

Once again, we’re highlighting our selling points. A major complaint about cleaning robots is that they’re noisy — so we want to draw attention to how quiet our is! Also, the meme is relatable to almost everyone, even if they aren’t married, because who can forget how the father figures in our lives can interrupt family movie nights by snoring loudly on the couch.

What could be improved :

Honestly not much, but as I, the author, am having some relationship issues at the moment, I’m going to be petty and dock some points.

Overall Rating : 8.5/10

#1 The kind of video you wheeze softly at

What works :

I’m obsessed with this meme format. It’s very funny and easy to understand, and the way that we’ve used it highlights the most important thing about our robots : they’ll help you relax! Does it get extra points because I got to pretend to sleep at work while waiting for the robot to clean near me? Maybe… 🤫

What could be improved :

Again, I’m in it? Gross. I guess that’s what I get for constantly saying we should show our faces in our TikToks. I didn’t really have to act in this one, which saves it from being placed in the “awful and cringe-inducing” pile, but I’m still going to deduct points because I’m in it.

Overall Rating : 9.5/10

That’s it! May meme review complete — once again, it was a decent month. I do think our memes are getting better over time, even if we stumble a bit on the way. In any case, I look forward to seeing you guys next meme review!

If you’re interested in learning more about the machine behind the memes, feel free to check out Narwal’s website. If you want to read more about cleaning, technology, and life in general, feel free to check out my other posts. Thanks for reading!



Maren Hamilton

Writer for Narwal Robotics learning to live a cleaner life — literally. I write about cleaning, technology, health, and how they intersect at Narwal.