New Routines

Maresia WellBeing
3 min readApr 4, 2020


It’s highly likely that sequestration has disrupted your typical routines (and that may be a serious understatement!) As someone who has been working from home for years, and who loves to participate in wellness retreats, here are templates for a couple of daily schedules (one for work mode, the other for rest mode), that I’ve found work well for me. You may notice that they really aren’t that different, for me, that’s the key to sustainability. I invite you to make any adjustments that serve you!

WFH/Productivity Mode
_Wake naturally
_Mentally walk through your plans and goals for the day
_Read reputable news sources for a short time
_Breathwork or meditation, 10–20 minutes
_Get up
_Drink 2 glasses of water (I practice tamara jal, drinking from a copper cup, here’s info on dietary copper benefits)
_Saline/neti pot use
_Drink hot water with lemon or herbal tea
_Light breakfast
_Work (this is the perfect time for unpleasant or detailed work or creativity)
_Do electricity-intensive chores (to take advantage of lower-cost morning rates)
_Exercise/nature time
_Water break (at least one big glass)
_Light lunch (sit outside if possible)
_Additional work or creative time as required (don’t sit or stand for prolonged periods in one attitude — take movement breaks)
_Active time or snack time (or both)
_Short nap or yoga nidra as needed (or just take some quiet time or read)
_Water break (another big glass)
_Dinner prep
_Dinner (3 hours before bed to allow time for digestion)
_Walk or light exercise
_Tidying/Dishes (whistle or sing while you work!)
_Unwind: Read, watch a movie, etc, practice yin yoga in bed

Tips for daily well-being while working:
_Create space in your day. Don’t overbook yourself and leave room for inspiration and unexpected opportunities
_Be charitable with your time with others
_Stay rested, stay fed (skipping meals and sleep is counter-productive long-term)
_Reduce negativity and noise — create a constructive environment with limited distractions
_Delineate workspace and work time and safeguard time off
_See each of your work colleagues and clients as partners, and try always to add value or positivity to their work
_Be proactive, not reactive (consider the purpose of what you’re doing, and what the ideal results will be), keeping a mix of short- and long-term projects going
_Surround yourself with the best, most positive, and constructive people you can, who also work sustainably — you don’t want partners interested in the quick buck, the easiest fix, or without longterm goals

Retreat/Recharge Mode
_Wake naturally
_Moment of gratitude
(_Cuddle and commune with your partner or pets if you have them. If you have a partner, let your first words of the day be kind words, perhaps a compliment! Or agree to start your day in loving silence until after breakfast.)
_Read, if you like.
_Breathwork or meditation, 10–20 minutes
_Water break: 2 glasses (tamara jal)
_Saline/neti use
_Hot water with lemon or herbal tea
_First workout of the day (active breathwork or yoga or a brisk walk)
_Healthy light breakfast
_Creative/hobby time, meal prep/baking, or time reaching out to friends
_Exercise/ nature time/reading time
_Water break
_Light lunch (sit outside if possible)
_Creative/hobby time, meal prep/baking or time reaching out to friends.
_Active exercise (yoga, running, brisk walk, etc)
_Snack time
_Quiet time (nap, yoga nidra, reading)
_Water break
_Dinner (3 hours before bed)
_Quality time with housemates
_Self-pampering (take turns with your partner in pampering each other)
_Perform yin yoga in bed/read/unwind

Tips for shifting into “Retreat” Mode:
_Skip or limit social media
_Limit unnecessary “noise” and news
_Agree on house rules of positivity and constructive communication
_Bring greater awareness to everything you do, all day long (practice mindful eating & drinking, e.g.)
_Be grateful for all that you have
_Realize nothing is permanent: stay in the present and don’t excessively dwell on past or future concerns
_Consider the needs of others as much or more than your own



Maresia WellBeing

Join me as I write about health and well-being, travel and eating, before, during and after our relocation from California to the island of São Miguel.