Margaret Chamblee Shares 5 Ways Your Business Can Engage in “Cause Marketing”

Margaret Chamblee
3 min readJul 23, 2020


Cause marketing is the combination of supporting a cause meshed with product marketing; many companies are looking beyond the idea of profit towards changing the world for the better.

Humanity’s knowledge continues to widen as we age and evolve. Acquired knowledge brings attention to the necessary steps our society needs to take to maintain earth’s and humankind’s survival. With environmental, health, and social issues on the rise, terms such as “cause marketing” are being used more frequently in the business industry. Cause marketing is the combination of supporting a cause meshed with product marketing; many companies are looking beyond the idea of profit towards changing the world for the better.

Margaret Chamblee, experienced marketing and sales professional has seen cause marketing’s impactful results for companies and consumers and highly recommends all businesses engage in affecting the world around them while concurrently expanding their brand. She reveals five ways on how your business can get started:

Way #1: Point-of-Sale

Point-of-sale marketing, also known as register programs, is a form of cause marketing that involves consumer participation. If you have ever made a purchase and then been asked if you would like to donate the spare change to go to charity, then you have taken part in cause marketing. Other point-of-sale cause marketing campaigns might ask for an additional one, five, or ten-dollar donation to go towards the charity the business is supporting.

Way #2: Coupons

Looking to draw positive attention to your business’ brand name? Distribute coupons to current and new customers that, if used, triggers a donation from your company towards a non-profit of choice. The consumer or your company can choose the charity. Such an association creates a positive brand image in the eyes of the customer.

Way #3: Employees as Volunteers

Grow your company’s work environment culture, brand recognition, and team relationships through employee participation in community volunteer opportunities. Switch a company night at the bowling alley for a day volunteering with the Humane Society. You can also expose your brand to new audiences that you or co-workers might encounter during the volunteer event.

Way #4: Double Incentive

The dual incentive method is a similar cause marketing tactic to point-of-sale marketing as it also requires the consumer to get involved. At the register, an employee asks a customer if they would like to donate towards a specific cause, such as sponsoring a Make-A-Wish child or giving money to the American Cancer Society. If the customer chooses to do so, they receive a token of appreciation as a reward for their donation. Businesses could gift consumers with a bracelet or a discount on a product.

Way #5: Become a “proud supporter”

For many charitable organizations such as World Vision, the simplest way for businesses to get involved with cause marketing and gain proper brand acknowledgment is to become a “proud supporter” or an official partner with the right to use and display the charity’s logo. Obtaining such a title for your business can be done through an easy application process and donation of any size that you can usually find on the organization’s website.

About Margaret Chamblee

Margaret Chamblee is a licensed pharmacist with direct sales, marketing, and management experience. She has an extraordinary work ethic and a unique drive to identify and seize opportunities which render a profound positive impact on organizations, associates and individuals. Margaret can analyze complex information, develop strategies, and lead collaborative efforts to maximize both professional success and personal growth.



Margaret Chamblee

Margaret Chamblee is a licensed pharmacist with direct sales, marketing, and management experience.