Margarita Rabinovich
Margarita Rabinovich

I am a registered psychotherapist (CRPO -College of Registered Psychotherapists in Ontario) in Burlington, Ontario.

In my personal life, I have experienced multiple grief and bereavement of very close people. I have also left places and people that were significant reference points in defining my identity and sense of self. These experiences have profoundly contributed to my personal growth, transformation and down-to-earth confidence, and empathy as a grief therapist.

My experience of being a grief counsellor and trauma therapist taught me that finding relief for the symptoms is one step in stepping forward into the rest of your life. It’s the beginning of the journey, not the end. I am always grateful for witnessing the evolving growth of my clients who feel more empowered to live a mindful and meaningful life by the end of therapy.

I had the opportunity to travel, live, work and train in different countries around the world. These experiences gave me a more compassionate understanding of the richness inside the shared human experiences of grief, bereavement, trauma, and mental health suffering, interwoven with inspiring stories of joy and hope.

I settled in the beautiful city of Burlington in Ontario, Canada. I spend precious time hiking and contemplating the evolving beauty of nature, reading, listening to music, mindful photography, painting, writing, and enjoying a regular yoga and meditation practice. Self-care and long-lasting friendships are a high priority in my life. I report daily to the CEO of my private practice, my cat Alice in Wonderland.

Medium member since October 2020
Margarita Rabinovich

Margarita Rabinovich

I am a Registered Psychotherapist located in Burlington, Canada. Psychology, hiking, nature, art and books are my thing.