Holidays with Prosper

2 min readDec 24, 2022

As we are at the turn of the end of the year holidays, this is the time for celebration, sincere wishes, and bold resolutions.

What We Want To Tell You

Dear community, Prosper wishes you to have a Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it, great holidays, warm memories, and all the best in the coming year. Our team is very thankful for your support and participation in the project in 2022, and we believe that the next year will be very fruitful too.

2022: We’ve Made It

For the whole Prosper community, 2022 was a year of changes, progress, new discoveries, and opportunities. We were making our products better and stronger.

In 2022, we spent a lot of time developing. Although we are conscious that it wasn’t the most exciting part for the community, rest assured that this was not lost time and all the work will pay forward when our products are finally ready. The end of the year saw the biggest event ever hosted on a Prosper platform as the WC prediction event! Meanwhile, we know for sure: this is still only the beginning of our promising journey with you.

Plans For 2023

While the WC event was stealing the show, the backstage was no less busy with planning and building.The next year is sure to be rich in inspiring events, activities, and upgrades. We are going to start January with a fresh version of our roadmap and we will share with the community our longer term vision for the project.

Make the most of holidays, have fun, and stay tuned not to miss our updates!

