5 Signs a Student’s Essay Has Been Written Using AI

Mary Rose
2 min readFeb 21, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been making great strides in the field of education. With the help of AI tools, students can now generate essays with just a few clicks of a button. While this may seem like a convenient way to complete assignments, it can also lead to a host of problems. In this article, we’ll discuss five signs that a student’s essay has been written using AI.

Photo by Andras Vas on Unsplash

1. Lack of Clarity and Coherence

One of the most common signs that an essay has been written using AI is a lack of clarity and coherence. AI-generated essays often lack a clear thesis statement and tend to be disjointed, with no clear connection between the different paragraphs.

2. Repetitive Content

Another sign of an AI-generated essay is repetitive content. Because AI algorithms rely on pre-existing data to generate essays, they often end up repeating the same points over and over again, without adding any new insights or ideas.

3. Grammatical Errors

Despite the advances made in AI technology, grammar and syntax remain a challenge for most AI algorithms. As such, essays generated using AI are often rife with grammatical errors and awkward sentence structures.

4. Lack of…



Mary Rose

Hi, I’m Mary, I’m an art historian and adjunct. Let's talk art history, books, education, AI, and more.