Hi! I'm Mary, I teach people about art.

Outside of the internet, I'm an art history adjunct instructor. I've also worked in museums, non-profit galleries, commercial galleries, and auction houses, but, at heart, I'm a teacher.

Thinking about how to teach about art keeps me up at night. Art makes philosophy manifest, it gives people a voice who ordinarily don't feel they have one, it expresses a vital human need to connect to others where words cannot reach. Yet, at the same time, the art world is cloaked in elitism. How do we bridge that gap, inside the classroom and outside of it?

Lately, I've been helping connect people to art on TikTok with my account @marginaliant, where I share art history, exhibition reviews, and art book recommendations to over 7000 subscribers. I also review books on Goodreads, and occasionally Instagram.

I hope you'll join me in exploring the world of art, history, museums, education, and writing.

Medium member since June 2024
Mary Rose

Mary Rose

Hi, I’m Mary, I’m an art historian and adjunct. Let's talk art history, books, education, AI, museums, and more.