Has the first billion-dollar painting already been made?

And, if so, what is it?

Mary Rose
12 min readJun 10, 2024

The price an artwork meets at auction is not a reflection of its inherent quality (if such a thing could ever even be measured) but instead the result of trends in the famously capricious art market.

Ever since I became an art dealer back in 2016, I’ve been interested in the rising prices of blue-chip artworks. My team and I were gathered around a laptop watching the auction for the Salvator Mundi in 2017. This incredible half-a-billion-dollar price tag got me thinking about which painting would be the first to reach a billion dollars.

\Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

The World’s Most Expensive Paintings

To refresh, let’s look at the current top 10 most expensive paintings sold:

Title, Artist, and Date — Price sold* — Year sold

Salvator Mundi, Leonardo da Vinci (attr.), c. 1500 — $450.3 million — 2017

Interchange, Willem de Kooning, 1955 — $300 million — 2015

The Card Players, Paul Cezanne, 1892–93 — $250 million+ — 2011

Nafea Faa Ipoipo (When Will You Marry?), Paul Gauguin, 1892, — $210 million — 2014

Number 17A, Jackson Pollock, 1948, — $210 million — 2015



Mary Rose

Hi, I’m Mary, I’m an art historian and adjunct. Let's talk art history, books, education, AI, museums, and more.