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You’re Losing Out on 97% Of Your Potential Sales If You Are Doing Sales This Way!

Stop focusing ONLY on a tiny percentage of your market

Margo Mulvihill
3 min readOct 18, 2023


Selling is a dance. A delicate dance between business and buyer. But what if I told you that you’re missing some crucial steps? Steps that could 10x your sales.

You’re probably only selling to 3% of your potential customers. And you’re leaving 97% of revenue on the table.

It’s time to learn some new moves.

Romance the Ready-to-Buy

They’ve got their credit cards out, ready to swipe. They’re eyeing you from across the room, waiting for you to make the first move.

This is your moment. Whip out your best product demo and sweep them off their feet. Show them all the amazing features and benefits. Throw in a cheeky discount or personalised deal. Give them a taste of the dream.

Actionable tips:

  • Create short, punchy product demo videos showcasing your offering. Keep them under 2 mins and highlight the key benefits.
  • Offer time-limited discounts like 20% off for the next 24 hours to create urgency.
  • Put together tailored bundles and packages for different customer segments to make it…

