3 Steps to Customizing Your Instagram Privacy Settings

Maria Glavincevska
3 min readFeb 11, 2018

A foolproof guide for beginners

Source: Gifiimage

Step 1: Decide who you want your audience to be

If you’d like your profile to stay private, and only stay visible to you and your close friends and family — switching your “Private Account” setting on is your best bet. By enabling this setting, you are able to review your follower requests and decide between accepting or declining their access to your profile. On the other hand, if you would like to showcase your photos to the entire world, you may. To keep your profile public, do not enable the “Private Account” option.

Source: Maria Glavincevska

How to turn it off or on: Go to Instagram profile “Options”, scroll down to “Private Account” and toggle the setting

Step 2: Managing your comments

Source: Maria Glavincevska

You have complete control when it comes to the comments made on your content! There are several options when it comes to moderating comments on your posts.

One option is “Allow Comments From” which gives you the freedom of choosing who is able to comment on your photos. The four options include:

  • Everyone
  • People you follow and your followers
  • People you follow
  • Your followers

You also have the ability to block comments from specific users.

A neat feature that Instagram has recently added is the “Automatic/Manual Filter”. The Automatic Filter allows you to Hide Offensive Comments that may be offensive, such as curse words. The Manual Filter allows you to Enable Keyword Filters — which are comments that contain specific words or phrases that you may list with your option.

You also have the option of turning off comments in general. This may be done through individual posting settings.

Step 3: Choosing which tagged photos show up on your profile

When other Instagram Users upload photos with you in them, they are able to “tag” you, which places that photo on your profile as well — in another tab. “Photos of You” settings allow you to customize how they appear.

Source: Maria Glavincevska

The first option, “Add Automatically” authorizes Instagram to routinely add the tagged photo to your profile. “Add Manually” gives you more control, where you are able to review and approve postings before they are placed on your profile as well. “Hide Photos” will make sure that tagged photos are never added to your profile.

After reviewing these steps, you should be set! Happy ‘gramming!

Source: Giphy

