More Color, Music Meditation, Reflection & CBT: Second Week of My Social Media Detox

Maria Aloysius
2 min readNov 14, 2023


Hey, it’s Week 2 of my social media detox. 14 days with no Instagram and Twitter. Less and less and less FOMO of Twitter! I meditate and reflect more. With music! Love, love, love jazz!

What Do I mean ‘More Color’?

I’m happier. I see things clearly. More color. More life. More opportunities. More peace. More joy. Colorful!

What I love is Jazz Music Meditation. I sit silently on the bed with instrumental jazz playing from my laptop. Peaceful!

What is Life? Reflecting …..

Life is wonderful. Focus on the good and little things making you happy. Yes, sense of self evolves over time. We have challenges daily but we have the choice to remain joyous.

Being at Peace with Myself

Who you are today and who you were yesterday! Now that changes but focus on embracing yourself and being at peace. I find I am more at peace with my thoughts and self.

My thoughts & What’s CBT?

CBT = Thoughts + Actions + Behaviors

Tried to hard in the beginning of my CBT journey to understand what exactly I should or shouldn’t think.

Now, it just flows naturally…..

I find I stop myself from bad thoughts, words which doesn’t serve my well being. I am more confident and calm. More resilient. This detox is helping me align my thoughts, actions and behaviors.

Week 3 here I come!

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