Preeminent actions to reduce poverty and food waste in Greece

Maria Alexopoulou
3 min readJan 22, 2019


Trying to figure out an efficient way to help reduce poverty and food waste in Greece,we realised that Greece’s problem is not the fact that there are not enough campaigns and actions dealing withe the above problem,but that the existing ones are not promoted enough.Most of the people haven’t heard of them even if they are willing to help others.

As our project for “social issues,social innovation and corporate responsibility” course,suggests we shall try and build up our own actions to deal with each of the Global Goals every team has chosen.Since, there are already many campaigns ran in Athens and all over Greece , dealing with poverty and food waste, our own contribution to society will be to make them more popular among people and raise awareness through them.In this article, some of the most preeminent ones are included in order to get people to know them.


AB Vasilopoulos is a famous chain business in Greece,having more than 700 supermarkets all over it.

In collaboration with “Mporoume” and the “Food Bank”, they daily provide local carriers with food from their own stores and storage rooms. In 2016, more than 590.000 meals worth 1.780.429 euros, were given away.

In collaboration with ‘Prolepsis’ Institute since 2014, AB Vasilopoulos, has been daily giving away a nutritious meal to thousands of young students all around the country. Only this last year, 186.721 school meals worth 271.000 euros, were provided to different schools.

In total, through these main programs but also through every other relevant action, only in 2016, AB offered 905.299 meals worth 2.426.738 euros, to fellow beings in need.

Finally, people of AB Vasilopoulos, invite everyone out there to take action by leaving food in special bins that are located in every AB store! In this way, food will be offered not only to local carriers but also to a program called ‘Oloi mazi mporoume’.


Vodafone is a global mobile network company

In collaboration with ‘Mporoume’, extra food is gathered from public markets in Peristeri, Metaxourgio and Halandri in order to be given away to vulnerable social groups.

In addition, there is Vodafone’s ‘Cook for Good’. There, 200 meals are prepared and offered to people in need through ‘Emphasis Foundation’ and ‘Mporoume’.


Lidl is a global supermarket chain business

Lidl created the hashtag #apotalidl, in order to take action in collaboration with ‘Mporoume’. For every post or comment with this hashtag, Lidl gave away 10 servings. Meanwhile, if the hashtag was used by celebrities and politicians, the offer was multiplied. This led to 200.000 meals being provided to fellows in need.

Maria Alexopoulou

Raed Raees (Christina Gourgoura)

Alkistis Joan ( Alkistis Deli)

