The Global Goals project

Maria Alexopoulou
2 min readJan 22, 2019


During our university course “Social issues,social innovation and corporate responisbility” we,as a team, were first introduced to the Global Goals for sustainable development.All of us knew that there were global actions that support human and enviromental rights,however, most of us were not aware of these goals and the process they had made so far .

What was really interesting, was the fact that many organisations and NGOs ,have been insipired and motivated by those goals, and have already contibuted in such a great scale that is hard to imagine.That was exactly what we also had to do for our projects.The main idea was to find and pick that one goal that we considered of the greatest importance and work on it.Of course,that was not an easy process.To accomplish that, we had to learn about similar actions and learn from the way other teams worked.Secondly,we had to figure out how our project could really be sustainable and attract people to help.That “call to action” we had to make was a very difficult task,considering our level in web designing and our life experience with humanitarian actions.

The goal our team has chosen to work on, is the one about zero hunger ( goal no2 ) wich we decided to combine with a zero food waste movement. We have now, reach to a point where we have to conduct a survey about people’s lifes and habits around food ,plus , we mustget to know how other teams deal with the same goal as ours.

To do that, we seached a lot about other programms trying to solve the same problem as we do and we made our first steps to it.

Maria Alexopoulou

Raed Raees (Christina Gourgoura)

Alkistis Joan (Alkistis Deli )

