EMI Absorber Sheets & Tiles Market Size, Growth, Forecast 2023–2030

5 min readNov 11, 2023
EMI Absorber Sheets & Tiles Market Size

Market Overview and Report Coverage

EMI Absorber Sheets & Tiles are materials used to suppress electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI) in electronic devices and systems. These sheets and tiles are designed to absorb and dissipate electromagnetic waves, preventing them from interfering with the performance of nearby electronic components.

The current outlook of the EMI Absorber Sheets & Tiles market is positive, and it is expected to experience robust growth in the coming years. The increasing use of electronic devices in various industries such as automotive, telecommunications, aerospace, and healthcare is driving the demand for EMI absorber materials. With the rise of IoT devices and the development of advanced wireless technologies, the need for effective EMI shielding solutions has become crucial to ensure the smooth functioning of electronic systems.

Moreover, the growing awareness among manufacturers about the adverse effects of EMI on the performance and reliability of electronic devices is further fueling the market’s growth. Stringent regulations and standards imposed by regulatory authorities, such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), also drive the adoption of EMI absorber sheets & tiles.

Furthermore, technological advancements and innovations in materials and manufacturing processes are expected to enhance the performance and efficiency of EMI absorber products, expanding their applications across various industries. The market is witnessing the development of lightweight and flexible EMI absorber materials, which are considered ideal for portable electronic devices and modern electronic systems.

Overall, the EMI Absorber Sheets & Tiles market is positioned for significant growth in the future. The increasing demand for electronic devices, coupled with the rising need for efficient EMI shielding solutions, will drive the market’s growth. As per the provided information, the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of % during the forecasted period.

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Market Segmentation

The EMI Absorber Sheets & Tiles Market Analysis by types is segmented into:

  • Broadband EMI Absorbers
  • Narrowband EMI Absorbers
  • Thermal Pads

EMI absorber sheets and tiles are used in electronic devices to absorb electromagnetic interference (EMI) and prevent signal interference. Broadband EMI absorbers work effectively across a wide frequency range, while narrowband absorbers are designed for specific narrow frequency bands. Thermal pads, on the other hand, are used to dissipate heat generated by electronic components. These products find applications in various industries such as telecommunications, automotive, and aerospace, where electromagnetic compatibility and heat management are crucial for optimal performance and reliability of electronic devices.

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The EMI Absorber Sheets & Tiles Market Industry Research by Application is segmented into:

  • Communications Electronics
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Other

EMI absorber sheets and tiles find applications in various industries. In communications electronics, they are used to minimize electromagnetic interference (EMI) between different electronic devices, ensuring smooth communication. In consumer electronics, such as smartphones and tablets, EMI absorbers prevent interference from affecting the performance of these devices. In the aerospace and defense sector, these absorbers are employed to enhance the electromagnetic compatibility of aircraft and defense systems. Additionally, EMI absorbers have applications in other industries where EMI shielding and prevention of signal distortion are crucial, such as medical devices and automotive electronics.

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In terms of Region, the EMI Absorber Sheets & Tiles Market Players available by Region are:

  • North America:
  • United States
  • Canada
  • Europe:
  • Germany
  • France
  • U.K.
  • Italy
  • Russia
  • Asia-Pacific:
  • China
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • India
  • Australia
  • China Taiwan
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Malaysia
  • Latin America:
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Argentina Korea
  • Colombia
  • Middle East & Africa:
  • Turkey
  • Saudi
  • Arabia
  • UAE
  • Korea

What are the Emerging Trends in the Global EMI Absorber Sheets & Tiles market?

The global EMI absorber sheets and tiles market is witnessing several emerging trends. One of the key trends is the increasing demand for lightweight and flexible materials in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics. This is driving the adoption of EMI absorber sheets and tiles, which offer better performance and ease of installation. Another trend is the growing focus on the development of advanced materials with improved shielding effectiveness and electrical conductivity. Additionally, the rising adoption of electronic devices and the increasing need for electromagnetic compatibility are fueling the demand for EMI absorber sheets and tiles in the market.

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Major Market Players

One of the prominent players in the competitive EMI absorber sheets and tiles market is NEC-Tokin, a subsidiary of KEMET Corporation. NEC-Tokin specializes in the development and production of electromagnetic interference (EMI) suppression components and materials. The company offers a wide range of EMI absorbers, including sheets and tiles, that are designed to provide effective electromagnetic compatibility solutions. NEC-Tokin has a strong global presence and serves various industries such as automotive, consumer electronics, and telecommunications.

3M, a multinational conglomerate, is another major player in the market. The company offers EMI absorber sheets and tiles under its Electrical Markets Division. 3M’s EMI absorbers are known for their high performance and versatility. The company has a rich history of innovation and has been actively involved in the development of EMI solutions for several decades. 3M’s EMI absorber products are widely used in critical applications across industries such as aerospace, defense, and medical.

TDK Corporation, a Japanese electronics company, is also a key player in the EMI absorber sheets and tiles market. TDK provides various EMI absorber solutions, including sheets, tiles, and filters, to effectively suppress electromagnetic interference. The company has a strong track record of technological advancements and focuses on delivering high-quality products. TDK’s EMI absorbers cater to diverse industry verticals, such as automotive, industrial, and information technology.

In terms of market growth, the EMI absorber sheets and tiles market is expected to witness significant expansion in the coming years. The increasing demand for electronic devices and the growing need to mitigate electromagnetic interference are driving the market growth. Additionally, the rising adoption of wireless communication technologies and the proliferation of IoT devices are further fueling the demand for EMI absorbers.

The market size for EMI absorber sheets and tiles is projected to reach several hundred million dollars by 2027. The increasing electromagnetic pollution and the stringent electromagnetic compatibility standards imposed by regulatory bodies are expected to propel the market growth. Moreover, the rising usage of EMI absorbers in automotive electronics and the growing trend of miniaturization in consumer electronics are key factors contributing to the market expansion.

Unfortunately, the specific sales revenue figures for these companies are not publicly available. However, considering their strong presence and reputation in the industry, it can be inferred that these players generate substantial revenues from their EMI absorber sheets and tiles product lines.

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