Simple Things to Do Today to Make Your Life Better

Maria Cambiaso
4 min readNov 20, 2017


You and I have spent the better part of our lives pursuing success, but we can’t change this eternal truth: The best things in life are (nearly) free. Good health, time with loved ones, relaxing with our pets, and the simple comfort of a cup of coffee at the kitchen table on a quiet Saturday morning…you don’t need to live in a palace to appreciate these things. It truly is the little things in life that matter the most.

There are also many things money can’t buy. For example, some of us have health issues, due to misfortune or genetics, that can’t be fixed no matter how much money we throw at them. Some mornings we get up on the wrong side of the bed. Murphy’s Law applies to us too.

On those days we must turn to the scientifically proven rituals that are within our control and guaranteed to improve our well-being. Here are 4 habits shared by Maria Cambiaso to do every day for a better life, and none of them cost more than a few dollars to get started.

Give Gratitude

Being grateful should not be limited to Thanksgiving. As The New York Timesreported, “having gratitude has been linked to better health, sounder sleep, less anxiety and depression, higher long-term satisfaction with life and kinder behavior toward others, including romantic partners.”

You simply list the people, things, and activities you are grateful for, and the achievements you made each day. If you are going through any type of health, financial, or marital struggles, I promise gratitude journaling will give you the right perspective on life.

Meditate for Minutes

How much would you pay for a pill that promises less anxiety, more focus, improved patience, greater creativity, and a better memory, all without side effects? All of these benefits are freely available to you through meditation.

It does not take long, nor is it difficult to experience the benefits. As little as a minute of slow, deep breathing calms you down and lowers blood pressure, and just a few minutes per day delivers an incredible return on investment.

Sit comfortably, either in a chair or on the floor (with your hips elevated on cushions to make it comfortable). Bend your arms, palms up, touch your index finger to your thumb, close your eyes, and breathe slow and deep. It’s okay if your mind races. If that happens, return your focus to your breathing. When I began meditating, I counted the number of breaths, and tried to do one more breath each day. Do whatever it takes to get started, and eventually you’ll come to love the internal benefits of feeling calm and being better able to control your emotions.

Start with just a minute for the first few days. If you can go longer, that’s fine. Next week aim for two minutes. Build up to at least five minutes, and preferably 15–20 minutes per day. It will make a world of difference in your physical and mental health…for free.

The 3 Es: Exercise, Eat Right, & be Early to Rise

We are incredibly fortunate to eat whatever and wherever we want. But tempting as it might be, we can’t eat like that everyday. It’s fine to enjoy one or two meals of your favorite food and drink in moderate amounts each week, but history proves a rich diet is a recipe for gout, diabetes, and an early death. Fortunately, we have the opportunity to eat delicious meals made from nutrient dense, organic foods.

When it comes to exercise, you don’t need a $5,000 treadmill or $2,500 weight machine set-up in a dedicated home gym. You’ll look and feel better — and younger — from a simple program of walking and bodyweight exercises.

Think Big

You don’t have to be told this twice. There are benefits to formalizing your big thinking.

James Altucher, best selling author of Choose Yourself, suggests writing down 10 big ideas every morning. I recommend doing this before or after your morning meditation session. All you need is a journal and a pen. Add this exercise to your day to ward off the complacency that might be creeping into your life. It will help you make big breakthroughs on any problems in your business and personal life.



Maria Cambiaso

Maria Cambiaso is utilizing her skills as Psychologist who is graduated from the Northeastern University. She is a young and dynamic personality of Panama City.