Essential tools to manage your freelance projects and your clients

Maria Schuessler
4 min readAug 15, 2018


Sometimes things that start out much more complex become much simpler the more you look at them. Take this list for example: I wanted it to be a comprehensive list of 5–6 tools I use for putting together freelance projects, with a snappy title like “The 5 Essential Tools you need to earn 💰💰💰”, but then, the longer I thought about it, the more I pared down the list until I was left with just two tools. It’s not as snappy of a title, but really, the more you simplify your workflow, the easier it will become to manage your products and your clients.

So here are, the only two tools I use for freelance web development projects:

Invoicing —

Manta is a mac desktop app that makes creating invoices not just painless, but actually.. enjoyable? It has a really beautiful interface and is great for splitting projects line by line, adding discounts, taxes, or notes. The app is still in beta so there are a few kinks to work out — I would love a feature to duplicate invoices and to sort them on the main view (currently all the pending, paid, cancelled invoices are in one place) — but Manta is already miles better than doing invoices in Microsoft Word or Excel.

Project Management —

I started using Notion after a coworker mentioned it last about a year and a half ago. Notion was still in beta at the time, but their team was incredibly responsive to every email I sent. If there was a bug or a feature, they would fix it in less than a week every single time. I use Notion to take notes during meetings, to project manage ongoing projects, and as a way to keep my to-do list sane. Here’s some types of documents I make on the platform:

Client Development Roadmap

I use Notion for putting together website development proposals based on the initial client discovery and information. In these docs, I include things like current concerns, visual references, site goals, and key client requirements. Once the proposal is accepted, I start putting together my invoice.

Organizing work resources

To organize upcoming Medium posts, sort knowledge base articles, and keep resources on hand, I make a list of pages. I have a page for my work with Le Wagon, a page for books I want to read, a page for useful articles on CSS/Git/Vue.js /etc.

Creating estimates for freelance clients

I’ve whited-out a few things from this image to protect client privacy, but I’ll usually Notion to map out project estimates for clients before I send them an invoice. This is more of an internal estimate based on user story or based on deliverables and I’ll use it to send a more detailed message to the client. When I am working on the project, I will track the projected hours versus the actual hours to see whether I am under or over budget.

Honorable Mentions

  • iCal — I still haven’t found a better calendar app than the apple iCal (but seriously, I’m looking, because iCal is quite mediocre). The reason I mention it is because I cannot function without calendar reminders. As soon as I schedule a client meeting or a deadline, I plug it into my iCal or else I will 100% forget the meeting.
  • EverNote — my first note-taking love before Notion, I still use EverNote for things like my lecture notes at Le Wagon because I’ve found that it works much better offline. For things that require organization, I still vastly prefer Notion, but EverNote is my go-to for jotting down things quickly.
  • Trello — Trello is great for visual people, but I’ve found that for managing large projects where you need documentation, visuals, etc, Trello just gets way too overwhelming to manage. It’s a great soft landing into the Kanban workflow though.
  • Slack — Although Slack has constant issues connecting to their servers in China, it’s still the best tool to communicate between teams, send status updates, and react with ::party-parrot:: emojis.

Thank you so much for reading! What are some of your favorite tools? Are there any essentials I missed? I would love to hear about them below.



Maria Schuessler

Music Product @ TikTok | Former Full-Stack Dev | Editor of StirCrazy! Mag | London-based |