Confessions of an Illuminati Princess V. 2 by Christy Zagami. BOOK REVIEW by Maria Grasmick

Maria Grasmick
3 min readFeb 22, 2020

Confessions of an Illuminati Princess Volume 2

BY Christy Zagami aka “PRINCIPESSA” in the book

She is the wife of Leo Zagami. A renknowned freemason, famous author, Infowarrior, exiled from Italy for his work exposing the Vatican’s satanic pedophiles.. And they both suffered, risked their lives through a Italian corrupt court system to escape to America

She was once a member of secret society, has great knowledge of mysteries. She is good with tarot, spells, crystals. A good wife, loyal. Now a Devout Christian.

The Main Characters in this book. CONFESSIONS of an ILLUMINATI PRINCESS, are her, Leo Zagami, her dog, Rambo, a chihuahua. Then there is The Vatican Police, Italian Mafia, Alex Jones, Owen Shroyer, Ufo People
Crazy coast to coast malevolent types, the Ufo community, Demonic witches, Globalists, book publishers, Liberals, Arrogant David Wilcock, Infowars Producers, Italian Commnists. Evil Freemasons. Pastors. Lawyers. Proud boys. Antifa. And her fans of her first book. Confessions of an illuminati Princess , volume 1.

Settings of the book are varied from the Overlook Hotel from the SHINING movie, Death Valley, Italy, Rome, Area 51, DENVER landmarks, Like the airport, Austin TX , Palm Springs, Islamic London England, Masonic lodges, Beautiful Churches ,Master Conferences, and the INFOWARS studios.

The conflict was spiritual, about good overcoming evil. Mother Mary was there for her. There was intense heat, battling satanic pedophiles.
Also the conflict about getting to the promised land Of America, where she and Leo Zagami could be free. Great tribulation escaping Italy, after calling it home for so long, Run ins with the Vatican Mafia and endless Italian Cops and their dark harrassment. Overcoming, ABSOLUTE TERROR And the rough road trip in America . Everywhere they were being followed. The mountains they climbed spiritually with all the Trolls. The book conference circuit, how she dealt with crazies. Also a special gift for Alex Jones, she had to bring from Italy. Through airports, and her entire trip. Bringing it safe was not so easy.

The Climax was meeting Alex Jones of Infowars and meeting, eating with him. Everything in Detail, as often, women authors write in precise detail, Meals food all described, nails hair, clothes, the dress she wore, to meet Alex Jones and, the conversations.. They had arrived! She describes the studio, the shows, and being on Infowars, and also the War Room Show . (She loves Turbo force. )

Meeting Rob Dew, Daria and Harrison Smith. The rising action there was her ex husband calling the FBI on them. Her infowars debut a major highlight.
She had a story of gratitude to be in America, and to meet the radio god Alex Jones. Also Picking up the broadcast on the radio was a great honor. Plus a nightmare story of someone messing with their car. Her life was spared. Yes, thru prayer they resolved this.

Analysis, is its a story of love. Christy and Leo Zagami, have such a thing going. It inspires me to find true love. I related to three big events that happened to her in her story. That are very private to me. I really liked the way she wrote this. I also feel her Marilyn Monroe energy as I am such a big fan. She mentioned Marilyn Monroe thrice! How did I know. (Dont use princess as an internet password, girl!) I feel she is a kindred spirit. It is a great chick book. Written by a Princess. In the style of a Confession.

Conclusion. One can be a psychic and be a Christian, One can battle demons in all forms, through faith. One can find success in the land of the free. And to never give up on your goals.

Her book is on amazon and you can get it on Kindle. Or Paperback for your coffee table.

