Research File

Maria Eduarda Pavolak
4 min readNov 27, 2017


Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain

Amelie Poulain is one of my favorite movies. I love the characters, the story, the light, the colors, the face expressions and how the director shows the small details. This movie was a big inspiration for my project because I also love the small details that no one sees and I love to see the world how Amelie does. I also admire the style of the movie, is kinda vintage, this aspect I want to bring to my project too.

Edward Styles

I was looking it up to the word ‘’Ephemeral’’and I found out this amazing video by Edward Styles and it really inspired me because he does amazing editing effects to his videos. I don’t know yet how he does it but this style is a big reference for my final project because I also want to give an ‘’old’’ and ‘’vintage’’ style to it.

Sophie Calle

Sophie Calle is an amazing artist. I looked it up some of her work recently and what I like the most is that her art is something really personal. It’s her, what she feels.
‘’ Take Care of Yourself’’ is a letter from her ex boyfriend that she asked 107 women
to interpret as they want.
Another one that I like is ‘’The Sleepers”, she let people sleep in her bed for 8 ours just to capture a fragile moment, again, it’s personal, it’s her bed, her friends. And that is a big inspiration for my project, it’s my day life, my music, what life means to me.

Miguel Rio Branco

I saw Miguel’s work when I went to Inhotim, and I felt in love with it. There’s so much emotion in it that sometimes I just wanted to leave. It’s crazy how he was able to put so much emotion in movies, pictures and sound.
This is my big inspiration for my project, I want to bring emotion with movies and sound.
He was crucial for my decision to do my project.

William Kentridge

I remember going to William Kentridge gallery for the first time and falling in love with everything, the sounds, the lights, the images, the animation. It was amazing.
It was because of him that I chose to use video with projectors for my project.
His animations are inspiring because, they are simple but with deep meaning, and they are also full of emotion when you look at it. It’s almost hypnotizing, the images, the movies, and the sounds, they all talk to each other, it’s really harmonic.

A Fine Frenzy

I looked it up a lot of videos to get my influences of. And the ones that I most liked was music videos. Like this one, from Fine Frenzy. It’s a girl that is living a special moment with someone then there are takes that she is just singing by herself and thinking about those moments that she lived. I find interesting the cuts that the music video has, they are subtle. I also like the warmth of this video, the mood board is basically orange, the video was shot like someone was filming with a home camera. I really liked this nostalgic effect on the video.

Cuts & Transitions 101

I looked it up on the internet about cuts and transitions to edit my movie, and with this video I had many different references and examples from classical movies.

cutting on action

This means cutting from one shot to another while the subject is still in motion. I don’t really know if I’m going to use this on my video because I didn’t record the same scene in different angles, but it’s important to know about it.

cross cut

This technique can show tension in two different places and also can show what it’s going through inside the character’s mind. This is good for my video because I can do fast shots between a slow scene to indicate something that I’m thinking.

fade in/fade out

This technique is about dissolving a scene to black or from black, and this technique I’m sure going to use it to make subtle transitions in more calm moments.


This technique is one of my favorite because it reminds me of a painting that has different layers. My father used to do my childhood videos with this technique and it can have a really emotional impact, because, depending on the scene, it creates a beautiful composition of images. I’m definitely going to use this on my video because I’m dealing with emotion and this effect can really show that.

invisible cut

The cuts are made when the camera is moving so it’s really hard to notice any cut. This is good for fast transitions that I want to make on my movie. It’s not easy to do but I think in some scenes it would look nice, because at some scenes the cut would not be brutal.


The sound track study that I did was about listening to the music and feeling what way it impacts me. Some of the musics that I was thinking about it was:

I listened to the whole soundtrack of Amelie Poulain and some musics I considered on putting on my video but I felt the music had more little a comedy mood so I decided not to use it.
I’m in love with this movie and this entire soundtrack and I almost decided to put on my video because this sound track is all about emotions, I cry every time I hear those musics. But I missed the climax moment I was looking for to put on my video, that’s way didn’t choose this soundtrack.
I edited a lot listening to this music, I love what the guy in the music is saying and it matches the emotions that I want to pass with my video, but again, the climax in this music was not so strong as the way I wanted so I decided not to use it.
This music is just amazing. It can take me in different places in my mind, but I think it was too long to put on my video and also the climax was too long, and I wanted to be not so fast but also not so long.
This music is amazing, it can really bring the emotions that I want in my video but it is too calm and I want some excitement on my video.
This was the perfect music to put on my video, because I understand the title as ‘’Buen Vieje’’ as if it was a ‘’Good Journe’’ about life. And my movie is about how life is a incredible and hard journe. I chose my music just by feeling it and see what fits with my movie. This one was in my finalist.
I was considering this music because of the name and the sensation it brought me when I heard. ‘’Deja Ir’’ means ‘’let it go’’ and I did I big connection with my grandfather that just past away. Deja It brought me the feeling of overcoming this challenge in my life.
I can’t explain how I found this music or this music found me. I heard it before anything happened with my grandfather and I just connected really strong with it. At that point I wasn’t thinking about making ‘’Life’’ the main subject in my project but I connected really strongly with this music and after all that happened, and my grandfather died, exactly the same way it shows on the video I had no doubt that I had to use it. The music starts really calm, and it goes up and up to the climax, in a subtle way, mixing different instruments, it gives me the sensation that I’m alive. At the climax it fits perfectly with my video, the musics starts really fast and then a violin mix with the piano. It’s just amazing, and the title now it’s combines with my project, that life is an ephemeral thing.

