Published inBootcampHow to Turn Rejections into Portfolio GoldRejected? Perfect—Make It Unforgettable2d ago12d ago1
The Forgotten Personas: Designing for Internal ToolsWhat happens when your users don’t have a choice?Nov 255Nov 255
Published inBootcampFrom Junior To Senior: The Tears that Built MeA true story of rejections and tears that turned me into a pro.Nov 181Nov 181
UX Documentation is DeadThe murder of UX docs as we know it— here’s how to Resurrect UX Docs and Make Them Actually Useful.Nov 112Nov 112
Published inBootcampPerfection is Killing Your UX Design — Here’s Why Flexibility is the Real SecretWhat if the perfect UX process — user journeys, research, low to high-fidelity — is actually holding you back?Nov 10Nov 10