A Never-Ending Trap
Feeling trapped in my own body caused by a permanent life condition called Cerebral Palsy. “A Never-Ending Trap” offers a perspective of my daily struggle to fit in society being physically disabled, but mentally I am not.
1 min readDec 6, 2022
Between two worlds,
a never-ending trap.
A hardship relationship,
between being and not being.
The mind is faster than the body.
Nothing makes sense.
The discomfort challenges the comfort zone.
Enough is not enough to belong in either world.
The expected meets the unexpected.
The limit meets the unlimited.
Progress and setbacks coexist in total harmony,
while risks and rewards do their part.
Courage and vulnerability dance to the rhythm,
in hopes that one day, these two worlds can coexist as one.
If you would like to know more about Cerebral Palsy please visit the link below. Thank you.