Being a Unica Hija in the Philippines

Maria Redillas
Jun 14, 2024


Navigating life as a unica hija in the Philippines comes with its own unique set of challenges and blessings. Often considered the cornerstone of society, the family serves as your first classroom, where your parents are your inaugural teachers. Your siblings, if you have any, become your earliest protectors, guiding you through the maze of childhood friendships and outdoor adventures. But what happens when you’re an only child — a unica hija — where the dynamics shift, and you become the sole focus of your family’s attention? This blog delves into the complexities, joys, and struggles of being a unica hija in a culture […]



Maria Redillas

I’m a leftie, dreamer, and a calligraphy & art lover. A twenty-something old soul who’s currently in love with art and calligraphy.