How to become a successful ambassador in Parallel Finance?

4 min readApr 23, 2022
  1. Have a high level of professionalism.
  2. Have a passion for building and growing relationships.
  3. Possessing a positive attitude
  4. Be knowledgeable about every project.
  5. Be resourceful

Easy guide on how to participate in our Ambassador Program ‘Learn&Earn’

Tips and guidelines for each task

Social Media (tweets)

Pick a product or topic of value about the project.

  • Read about the topic or product and think of writing about how it is helpful by including crucial information.
  • Write 1–2 sentences of your findings.
  • Include your own thoughts or opinions as to why you think this topic is important.
  • Be clear and concise. Don’t overcomplicate it. Use proper grammar and punctuation.

Examples of successful tweets:

From Maksimoos#0207 @Rq7cbzfhgSCHf9F

From: AnthonTymchenko#2915 @manalq69​​


  1. Always submit high quality memes.
  2. Always include the Parallel Finance name and logo.
  3. Always use the right color and font of Parallel Finance.
  4. Only submit original content and not repetitive memes.
  5. Do not insult a project.

Examples of creative memes:

From: LordPrepz#7855

From 13millionbtc#1376


  1. Always submit high quality arts.
  2. Always include the Parallel Finance name and logo.
  3. Always use the right color and font of Parallel Finance.
  4. It should be an original work.
  5. No copyright and no repetitive submission.

Examples of creative and informative arts:

From: AntonTymchenko#2915

From Surime#4134


  1. Tips to avoid copyright infringement:
  2. Be creative and submit high-quality works.
  3. No repetition of works in different designs.
  4. Always use the logo, font and colors of Parallel Finance.
  5. Always add our social media in your works.

Examples of informative infographics:

From: Bedel#5805

From: Rasandinv#8916


  1. Read the Parallel Finance medium articles
  2. Rewrite and no copyright.
  3. Create high quality content and be informative.
  4. Include your experience about the project (only if it’s applicable) and encourage people to join the community.
  5. Make it simple and don’t overcomplicate.

Example of a detailed Article:

From: newera3#3972


  1. Describe the project and products thoroughly.
  2. Sharing your experience about the project,
  3. Giving opinions and suggestions is highly encouraged.
  4. Including captions or subtitles are highly recommended.
  5. Speaking clearly is a must.

Examples of helpful and informative videos

From: spring1989#6836

From: Vinco#8755

Take Note:

Anyone who intentionally submits duplicate work will get kicked from the program. Please avoid doing it or else you will lose all your points, we are carefully checking all submissions. Let’s play fair and make sure we are not trying to steal points. Applying these simple steps would set you up for success not only as Parallel Finance Ambassador but with your future endeavours as well.

On a brighter note, if you constantly submit extraordinary work we will grant you extra points for it. Do your best and give us your best shot. Make sure that you use appropriate cashtags.

Cashtags: $PARA $HKO $ DOT $KSM or even #DOTSAMA

Ambassador Program:

Application form:

The Community:





