5 ways to get started in ux/ui design as a complete beginner

Maria Kirova
3 min readDec 8, 2022


If you are interested in pursuing a career in user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design but have no prior experience in the field, it can be quite daunting to know where to start.

Here are five ways to get started in UX/UI design as a complete beginner:

  1. Learn the basics of design: The first step to becoming a UX/UI designer is to learn the basics of design. This means understanding the principles of design, such as color theory, typography, and composition, as well as the fundamental elements of design, such as line, shape, and texture. There are many online resources and tutorials that can help you learn the basics of design, and you can also take classes or workshops to gain a deeper understanding of design principles.
  2. Understand user experience and user interface design: The next step is to understand what UX and UI design are, and how they differ from each other. UX design focuses on the overall experience of a user as they interact with a product or service, while UI design focuses on the visual design and layout of a product or service. It is important to understand the differences between UX and UI design, and how they work together to create a seamless and intuitive user experience.
  3. Familiarize yourself with design tools: As a UX/UI designer, you will need to use a variety of design tools to create wireframes, prototypes, and visual designs. Some of the most commonly used design tools include Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, and InVision. It is important to familiarize yourself with these tools, and learn how to use them effectively, in order to create high-quality designs.
  4. Join a UX/UI design community: Another great way to get started in UX/UI design is to join a community of like-minded designers. There are many online communities and forums, such as UX Mastery and UX Booth, where you can connect with other designers, share your work, and learn from others. Joining a community can also provide valuable networking opportunities, and help you to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the field.
  5. Practice, practice, practice: The best way to learn UX/UI design is to do it, so try to find opportunities to work on real-world design projects, even if they are small and simple. You can also try creating design challenges for yourself, or participating in online design competitions, in order to gain experience and improve your skills.

Overall, getting started in UX/UI design as a complete beginner can be scary, but it is also incredibly rewarding. By learning the basics of design, understanding UX and UI design, familiarizing yourself with design tools, joining a design community, and practicing regularly, you can take the first steps towards pursuing a career in this exciting and dynamic field.

