Free Courses and Guides for Learning Generative AI

2 min readJul 20, 2023

These resources are part of the content I share through my AI-focused newsletter — sent once a week with bite-sized news, learning resources and selected tools.

  1. Generative AI learning path by Google Cloud. A series of 10 courses on generative AI products and technologies, from the fundamentals of Large Language Models to how to create and deploy generative AI solutions on Google Cloud [Link].
  2. Generative AI short courses by DeepLearning.AI — Five short courses on generative AI including LangChain for LLM Application Development, How Diffusion Models Work and more. [Link].
  3. LLM Bootcamp: A series of free lectures by The full Stack on building and deploying LLM apps [Link].
  4. Building AI Products with OpenAI — a free course by CoRise in collaboration with OpenAI [Link].
  5. Free Course by Activeloop on LangChain & Vector Databases in Production [Link].
  6. Pinecone learning center — Lots of free guides as well as complete handbooks on LangChain, vector embeddings etc. by Pinecone [Link].
  7. Build AI Apps with ChatGPT, Dall-E and GPT-4 — a free course on Scrimba [Link].
  8. Gartner Experts Answer the Top Generative AI Questions for Your Enterprise — a report by Gartner [Link]
  9. GPT best practices: A guide by ****OpenAI that shares strategies and tactics for getting better results from GPTs [Link].
  10. OpenAI cookbook by OpenAI — Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API [Link].
  11. Prompt injection explained, with video, slides, and a transcript from a webinar organized by LangChain [Link].
  12. A detailed guide to Prompt Engineering by DAIR.AI [Link]
  13. What Are Transformer Models and How Do They Work**:** A tutorial by Cohere AI [Link]
  14. Learn Prompting: an open source course on prompt engineering[Link]

To access more free AI related learning resources and to stay updated on AI without the information overload, join my weekly newsletter, AI Brews.




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