Don’t miss the train

Mariam Abdulkarimova
3 min readMay 4, 2018


Blockchain transactions are becoming more and more popular. That is transforming important areas of the financial services industry like Retail banking, Payments and Transfers, Loyalty systems, Insurance, and etc. The fintech revolution will change business giving the opportunity to exploit these new technologies to operate more efficient, flexible and profitable.

Payportal was established as a high technology company from the beginning. The other part and the main asset is Payportal’s Team.

Blockchain technology allowed to adjust Payportal business to nowadays demand and incorporate blockchain for financial services and provide new business model.

What are the benefits of blockchain for Payportal and its customers?

1. Security. Server decentralization will keep wallets data safe in case of hardware failure or hackers attack.

2. Additional financial services. For example, implementing a cross border money transfers service between Indian migrants living abroad and their families in home country.

3. New form of customer payment. Payportal can accept fees for its services in PPTL tokens/coins where it will be acceptable.

4. Costs cutting. Blockchain using might lead to lower transactional fee.

5. Identity verification. With blockchain, it is possible to code a business’ or individuals’ identity directly onto blockchain. The blockchain can then be used to verify the digital identity of the person before passing them on from a digital access.

6. Geographical expansion. Geographical expansion to the new areas close to Delhi (Faridabad, Ghaziabad and Noida) and then Geographical expansion to TOP 3 largest Indian cities and surrounding areas (Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune or Jaipur).

What are the benefits of blockchain for investors?

One of the advantages of investing in Payportal’s ICO is the chance of investing in fast upraising company. Payportal has ambitious goal that is to be in TOP3 Leaders in Indian market of payment services because of providing remittances transactions and wide geographical expansion.

Payportal ICO listings show very good rates that could help investors get on board to the right startup.
Payportal prices its tokens reasonably, allowing even small investors to participate in the sale. The price of PPTLtoken is only 0,002 ETH. Total PPTL Token supply is 20 000 000. The big SOFTCAP 3000ETH is a good value to trust the project.

The investor can use crypto-tokens to purchase the services offered by Payportal or when PPTL gains popularity and market trust, reaps tremendous returns in the future.

In 2018 analytics are waiting increasing number of individuals who see the potential financial benefits of contributing to start-ups and ICO investing. So not only investors and institutional funds will invest in ICOs, but also individuals.

Crypto market is still developing and Payportal choose the right time for ICO. Don’t miss the train and invest at the early stage to gain huger revenue in the future!

