The Rise of Digital Natives

Mariam Brian
5 min readJan 14, 2024


Image copyright M. Brian (2023)

Children as Cyborgs and the Impact on Human Relationships


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the term “cyborg” traditionally referred to a being that combined organic and artificial components. However, in the 21st century, the concept is taking on a new dimension as children today are becoming increasingly intertwined with digital technologies. This integration is not just limited to the use of smartphones, tablets, and computers; it extends to a seamless blending of the physical and digital realms. In this blog post, we will explore how children are evolving into a generation of digital natives, what it means for their human relationships, and the ripple effects on day-to-day interactions.

Digital Natives (Image and concept copyright M. Brian, 2023)

The Digital Natives Phenomenon

Digital natives are individuals who have grown up in a world where technology is an integral part of daily life. Unlike previous generations, today’s children are exposed to digital devices from an early age, navigating touchscreens before they can tie their shoes. This immersion has led to a seamless integration of technology into their lives, blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds.

The Playground of Pixels

Children today are growing up in a playground where pixels and playgrounds are equally familiar. Playtime has transcended traditional toys and games to include a vast digital landscape of apps, online games, and virtual environments. The once separate realms of physical and imaginative play are now interconnected, influencing how children perceive and interact with the world around them.

“I want to be an earth astronaut” Image and concept copyright M. Brian (2023)

Education in the Digital Age

The classroom, too, has undergone a digital transformation. Interactive whiteboards, tablets, and educational apps have become commonplace tools for learning. As children adapt to these digital environments, the way they process information and acquire knowledge is changing. The traditional teacher-student dynamic is evolving into a collaborative partnership between humans and technology.

Social Media and Early Socialization

The advent of social media platforms has altered the landscape of socialization for children. From a young age, they are exposed to curated digital personas, cultivating a sense of identity influenced by online interactions. Social media platforms designed for children offer a space for early socialization, but they also introduce questions about the impact on their understanding of relationships and self-worth.

Impact on Human Relationships

The rise of children as digital natives is not without consequences for human relationships, both within and beyond the family unit. As technology becomes an intrinsic part of their identity, the way they connect with others undergoes significant changes.

Family Dynamics in the Digital Age

Family life is undergoing a transformation as technology becomes a central player in daily routines. From screen time negotiations to the shared experience of digital entertainment, technology is reshaping family dynamics. Parents navigate the challenge of balancing the benefits of educational apps with concerns about screen addiction and its impact on face-to-face interactions.

The earth is awakening and children are awakened. Truth Serums. (Image and Concept copyright M. Brian 2023)

The Evolving Parent-Child Relationship

The parent-child relationship is evolving in the digital age, with parents often becoming guides in navigating the digital landscape. Discussions about responsible online behavior, privacy, and the implications of digital footprints have become essential components of parenting. At the same time, children are introducing parents to new technologies, fostering a reciprocal learning environment.

Peer Relationships in a Digital World

Children’s interactions with peers are increasingly mediated through screens. Online games, social media, and messaging apps redefine how friendships are formed and maintained. While digital communication offers new avenues for connection, it also introduces challenges related to cyberbullying, social comparison, and the impact of curated online identities on self-esteem.

The Ripple Impact on Day-to-Day Relationships

The transformation of children into digital natives ripples into broader society, affecting day-to-day relationships and societal norms.

Holo Art in Space Collection sent to ISS, Cyborg Eggs by KC Adams, Indigenous Artist. Image and concept copyright KC Adams

Communication Redefined

The way children communicate sets the stage for a broader societal shift. Emoticons, memes, and GIFs become integral components of their expression, influencing how they convey emotions and interpret messages. As these communication norms spill over into adulthood, the workplace and social interactions undergo a subtle but significant transformation.

Stock Image of Meme Worthy Content ~ Over Exposure in Children’s Expressionism

Shaping Future Social Structures

The digital native generation is laying the foundation for future social structures. Online communities, interest-based networks, and virtual collaborations are becoming as significant as geographical proximity in shaping social connections. This has implications for the development of communities, cultural norms, and even political landscapes.

The Challenge of Empathy

While technology enhances connectivity, it also poses challenges to the development of empathy. The screen-mediated nature of many interactions can dilute the nuances of non-verbal cues, making it challenging to fully understand and empathize with others. Teaching children the importance of empathy in a digital world becomes a critical aspect of their social education.

How can AI be more empathetic? Does that mean coders, developers, programmers need to step up their empathy game? (Image and concept Copyright M. Brian 2024)

Balancing the Digital and Physical Realms

As children seamlessly navigate between the physical and digital realms, finding a balance becomes crucial. The ability to unplug and engage in face-to-face interactions, appreciate nature, and cultivate offline hobbies is essential for their holistic development. Striking this balance will influence their well-being and the quality of their relationships throughout life.


The transformation of children into digital natives represents a paradigm shift with far-reaching implications for human relationships. As technology becomes an integral part of their identity, the lines between the physical and digital worlds blur. Families, educators, and society at large face the challenge of adapting to this new reality, fostering a generation that can navigate the complexities of the digital age while maintaining the richness of human connections. The impact of children as cyborgs is not just a technological phenomenon; it’s a social and cultural evolution that requires thoughtful consideration and intentional guidance for the well-being of future generations.

Bringing digital souls to life — into the ‘real’ world ; trying to get people off their phones (Image and concept copyright M. Brian 2024)

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