The Oltenia

Maria Mulas
2 min readJan 30, 2019


The Oltenia is a storic Region of Romania and is located between the Danubio river and the Transylvanian Alps.

The territory is divided in districts that are : Mehedinţi; Gorj; Dolj; Valcea and Olt.

District of Dolj

The district of Dolj is composed by three municipalities, four cities and one hundred four villages. The principal city in this area is Craiova but there are others two important cities that are : Baileşti and Calafat.

Tourist destinations in Oltenia

In Craiova there are more intresting Museums and beautiful parks.

In the center of the city there are a very beautiful places such as:

Prefecture square, Cathedral of St. Demetrius, Musical Fountain, Ion Omblemenco Stadium and the Biserica Mantuleasa.

Craiova Art’s Museum

There are also importants museums like: Craiova’s Art Museum, the Museum Stiintele, Naturii Oltenia and the Muzeum Olteniei.

One of the largest parks is Nicolae Romanescu Park and it’s considered one of the biggest natural park in the east Europe.

There are also others importants parks :

The Botanical Garden and the Tineretului Park.

Nicolae Romanescu Park

Others rurals and small destinations to visit in Oltenia are :



Calafat , Drobeta Turnu Severin and Targu Jiu .



Maria Mulas

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