PinnedJoburi Ușoare pe care Oricine le Poate Face de Acasă onlineIndiferent dacă lucrezi deja de la distanță de acasă, iei în considerare acest lucru, sau te pregătești să începi,Jun 16, 2022Jun 16, 2022
PinnedCum sunt utilizate datele etichetate în inteligența artificialăpoate pe viitor va ajuta să îți permite să faci bani în timpul tău! Puteți contribui la promovarea viitorului inteligenței artificiale (AI)…Jun 15, 2022Jun 15, 2022
Reduce your labeling time and costs by 60%+Leading AI teams incorporate many different strategies to automate and accelerate their labeling processes, from using AI-powered…Dec 10, 2022Dec 10, 2022
Does winning $50 sound good to you? 😏 Black Friday Game Has Started!Nov 21, 2022Nov 21, 2022
PLF — in less than 60 minutes (free)Over the past few days, I’ve sent you some of the biggest nuggets and takeaways from this year’s Launch Masterclass™.Nov 19, 2022Nov 19, 2022
make $100k by… screaming???The Transformational Value Manifesto I sent you a few days back gives you one of the most important strategies for starting or growing an…Nov 16, 2022Nov 16, 2022
I received this on gmail and I baked from there hoping to do some kind of free promotion, thank you…Welcome to This Week In Writing by Justin Cox, the official newsletter of The Writing Cooperative.Nov 14, 2022Nov 14, 2022