Biases in the Workplace

Mariana Garcia
1 min readOct 31, 2016


My Lesson Plan

I plan to teach on a topic which relates to my major which is a combination of Sociology and Business. My topic is also what I plan to base my senior project on. I want to teach people on how and why biases affect the workplace. I decided to go with this topic because I personally feel like this is an important topic which will probably affect most peoples lives since most people will be interviewed and be working along with other people at some point.

By hiring all the same people and being biased in the interview and hiring process it does not allow for diversity and different perspectives in the workplace. This will then not allow for innovation or improvement in the organization as a whole.

With the class I would like to explore why people are biased and towards who? Why biases exist? And what the impact of biases in the workplace are? I also plan to reference the following article: This article suggests ways in which we may change bias in the workplace.

Before my lesson plan I would like for everyone to tweet a potential solution to end biases in the workplace/hiring process/world in general and use the hashtag #wsp101

