Disconnecting From Technology

Mariana Garcia
1 min readNov 7, 2016


Disconnecting from technology feels like disconnecting from the world. I don’t mean to get all deep but it feels a little bit lonely and very boring. I am so used to snap chatting my friends and going on Instagram to see what is going in their own lives that disconnecting from technology even if it is only for 15 minutes a day feels strangely uncomfortable.

In order to preoccupy my mind for those 15 minutes one of the days I decided to make it a point not to go on my phone while hanging out with my friends. Another day I experimented with different eye shadow looks on my own and not watch a tutorial at the same time. This weekend I was hardly on my phone since some friends and I went to Big Bear. I realized that once I began focusing on doing something which I enjoyed I stopped thinking about my phone.

As the week progressed putting my phone down for 15 minutes became a lot easier however some days when I had nothing to do it was still a challenge to resist the urge to pick my phone up and resume scrolling through pictures of my friends. This was a really eye opening week because I realized how dependent I am of technology. Sometimes even not holding my phone makes me feel tense so by not using my phone for 15 minutes everyday last week I feel less uptight about not having my phone now. Overall this was a very interesting experience.

