Forgetful, Distracted, and Entertained

Mariana Garcia
2 min readSep 26, 2016


Three words that describe me while I use technology, specifically social media, would be: forgetful, distracted, and entertained. As I scrolled through Facebook this weekend I read through articles on the election, theories on what will happen next on American Horror Story, and some statuses from my friends. Overall my experience using social media this weekend was pleasant however one thing that frustrates me a lot when I use social media is how distracted and forgetful I become. Sometimes I will begin reading an article and I will, for example, come a across a word which I do not know the definition of so I will make a mental note in my head to look up the definition after I am done reading the article but then I can not remember what it was that I needed to do. This happens to me often and it is really frustrating because I try so hard to remember but since I get so distracted by what I am reading that it is basically impossible for me to remember. Sometimes I will begin using social media with the point to look at one particular thing but since there is so much to read and watch on social media I get really distracted and end up scrolling through random news stories for more than half an hour. Usually when I am on social media for about half an hour or more my hand starts hurting from holding my device and at that point I am reminded that I should probably stop using technology and do something different. Although mentally and physically there may be downsides to using social media I believe that the fact that social media is entertaining outweighs the negative aspects. I can spend large amounts of time just watching videos and reading articles because I get really interested in whatever I delve into so it is difficult to just put my phone down. On social media such as Facebook the things you like and the friends you add personalize your page making it very unique to you and your interested which is why it is so difficult to only go on there for only a short amount of time.

