Video Games

Mariana Garcia
1 min readDec 7, 2016


I usually never play video with the exception of when my brother bugs me enough to play with him and I eventually give in. The only video game I am willing to occasionally play with my brother is either Super Smash Bros or Mario Kart on the Wii U because in my opinion they are the most fun and easy to understand.

The only significant difference I find when I play video games and when I don’t is that when I do play video games I get very very very competitive. I am in no means “good” at either Super Smash Bros or Mario Kart especially in comparison to my brother but I try really hard to beat him every time I play. In real life I am not competitive, for example when it comes to tests I usually do not try and get the highest grade rather I just try and do the best that I can. The reason I believe that I get so competitive when playing video game is not because I really care about the game but because I care specifically about beating my brother. My brother and I always try and out do one another so video games are just another way that we achieve that.

