What do I know about Santa Claus?

Mariana Garcia
1 min readNov 28, 2016


I guess thinking about it now I do not really know much about Santa Claus besides the basics. I know that he is an old man with a long white beard that lives in the north pole with his wife (Mrs. Claus) and his reindeer .I also know that he goes all over the world the night before December 25th to put gifts on the bottom of every good boys’ and girls’ Christmas tree. I am pretty sure he originated from Saint Nicholas but I have no idea who or what Saint Nicholas did. I am excited to learn more about the history behind Santa Claus because clearly I do not know much about the character. I am interested in learning where his “look” came from e.g why does he wear red and have a long white beard? Why are reindeer his main form of transportation? How did he become such a prominent figure especially in American society that has led parents for years to lie to their children and say that Santa Claus leaves presents for them rather than tell the truth?

