What is the Best Mode of Learning?

Mariana Garcia
2 min readNov 9, 2016


I agree with two main points Daphne Koller brought up in her Ted Talk where she explained that peer collaboration and technology has become a prevalent way of learning.

I believe that one of the best modes of learning is through peer collaboration because a lot of times when two people are learning together they are able to come up with a lot of things which they individually would not have come up with. Through the use of technology people are able to for example send papers that they have written to their peers to get edited and that can result in a better written paper.

I like this image because it shows how everyone has different thoughts and when people collaborate and put them together it can lead to a completed idea.

Koller mentions “…we cannot afford, as a society, to provide every student with an individual human tutor. But maybe we can afford to provide each student with a computer or a smartphone.” I agree with this quote because technology has become very accessible to everyone whether it is by going to the library and using public computers or by buying ones own smartphone. The internet is a very effective way to learn because it has articles, videos, images, etc of any topic which one wants to learn about.

