Sexing The Neighbor’s Husband, Chapter 14

Marianna Love
12 min readSep 21, 2023


Friday, Allen took the day off. He made sure the house was spotless, he had watered the indoor plants and even purchased a few more. He had a freshly shaved head and a trimmed beard. He wore a pair of gray slacks and a navy-blue polo shirt. He was ready to head to the airport to get his wife.

When he saw Kate, she looked refreshed. She always looked happy when she returned from visits with her aunt, he kissed her on the lips and reached for her bags, “How was your flight?”

“It was great, no issues. Glad to be home.”

He put the bags away, opened her car door, and then they left.

On the way, Kate had the most pleasant thoughts about her time in D.C. Her face glowed. Allen looked over, “You look great, babe. Are you feeling better?”

“I do feel relaxed.”

When they arrived home, Kate immediately noticed the new potted plants in the hallway that lead to the living room, “New plant babies,” thanks Allen she said with a kiss on his cheek.

After dinner, they retired to the bedroom. Allen felt a little frisky. It had been a while since he had tasted and felt Kate. He wondered would she be able to handle it.

He eased close to her body and rubbed her ass, “I’ve missed you.”

She turned over to receive him with a kiss, “Let’s fuck,” she said. He smiled. It had been a while since he heard her talk that dirty. They had great sexual chemistry and that reminded him of the old Kate. The one that would suck his cock until his eyes watered and bounce on his shaft until he erupted.

Within moments, he had removed her clothes and suckled her nipples while strumming her below building up tension. She watched as he licked her clit and tongue fucked her pussy, she hummed, “Ummm, yes Allen.”

He pushed his fingers in and watched as she squirmed. His cock got harder. He looked down at his power rod and tapped her clit with it. She bit her lip and he played by teasing her opening with just his tip.

“Push it in, babe,” she begged, she pushed her hips up and devoured his cock into her wet cunt.

“Ahhhhhh,” Allen moaned with delight. His hip action was insane. He lifted her leg and humped slowly watching her leg shake as an orgasm hit her. He bit his lip and closed his eyes. He was in heaven, “Yes, fuck yes.” He released her leg and pressed his chest to her breasts and they shared a deep passionate kiss.

His thrusts we slow and delicious, she grinned, “You have missed me,” she said holding his face.

Even though she couldn’t perform as she had in the past, it felt good to know he still desired her. It helped that the three of them had a close connection and affection for each other.

His thrusts increased, and they moaned loudly. She was exhausted and ready to quit, but Allen was full of energy. He continued to stroke away. She begged him to cum. He nodded. He felt close. He grunted and groaned as she held him tightly. She felt when he unloaded. He rolled off and looked over at her, “I love you.”

“I love you too.”


Saturday after breakfast, Allen headed to train at the gym. He usually trained in martial arts three days a week. After he trained in jujitsu for a couple of hours, he headed to the locker room to shower.

As he showered, he couldn’t help but think about June 28th, his birthday. His mind flashed to fucking Kate and fucking Bree. He loved being with both of them and in several weeks, he’d get to be with them at the same time.

He smiled. His cock got hard as he imagined how it would go. His friend Steve entered and couldn’t help but notice his hangage, “Damn dude.”

Allen laughed, “What can I say, I’m blessed.”

Steve flung some water on him, “Take a cold shower and calm that thing down. Poor Kate.”

They laughed.

When Allen finished he ended up in the locker room changing. As he sat, he looked at his cellphone, some pictures of Bree. Steve passed by and looked at his screen, “Damn, who is that?” Asked Steve.

“This our neighbor, Bree.”

“And you have pictures of her on your phone, why?”

Allen chuckled, “Relax, Kate knows. She set us up.”

“To do what?”

Allen widened his eyes and motioned with his head, “You know.”


“Seriously. At first, I was not going to, but lately, Kate wasn’t feeling herself. We would go days without sex.”

“Oh, poor you. When I was married, I’d go weeks, even months without any and my wife didn’t give me no fuck buddy.”

“What can I say, Kate’s just different.”

“I’d love some of that. Is she — “

“No man. Just me.”

He nodded, “Okay, okay. I see how you are,” he joked.


Bree was in a dress store when her cell phone rang, “Hello, there,” she said with a smile in her voice.

“Hey what are you doing today?” asked Allen as he walked to his car.

“I’m looking for a dress to wear.”

He got inside his car, and started it, “Going on a date,” he joked.

“Not exactly. My girl came early. She’s in Charlotte visiting a friend and they want me to ride out there so we can hang out.”

Allen sighed. He knew he didn’t have a right to object, but he worried that her crazy ex or one of his friends might see her out and try something, “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Of course, don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I’ll be with three other women.”

“Alright, drive safely.”

“I will.” She was about to end the call when he spoke.

“Hey, Bree,”


“I do enjoy spending time with you and it’s not just the sex.”

She smiled, “I like spending time with you too, I’ll talk to you later, tell Kate I said hi.”

After the call ended, Bree found the perfect dress. She paid and headed to the salon for a new look.


Meanwhile, in Raleigh, Terrell had convinced Demetrius that the best way to forget about one woman was to get on top of another one. Even though Demetrius knew it wouldn’t work, he was aching for some action.

Terrell set him up with a friend of his girlfriend. She had a similar look to Bree. When Demetrius saw her, he thought for a second, she was, but her name was Rain.

After they talked, he realized she was nothing like Bree. She was like a pretty decorated egg on the outside but didn’t have anything to hold his attention other than a thick ass and big tits.

However, that didn’t deter him from taking her to his place and wearing her ass out on the sofa in his living room.

As she lay with her legs wide open, he plunged his thick cock into her pussy and stroked rapidly. It had been a few weeks since he had any and her honey pot felt nice.

“Oh my god,” he moaned as he pounded away.

“Shit,” she said, “You act like you want me to fall in love.” She watched his big cock slide in her pussy covered in her juices.

He grinned, “You love this dick right, Bree.”

Her face scrunched, “Um, who is Bree?”


“Yes, you just said Bree.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Yes, the fuck you did, get off of me.”

He rolled off her and watched her put on her clothes angrily. She ordered an Uber, “Look negro, I get it. I’ve rebound fuck plenty of dudes, but I ain’t never called any of them by my ex’s name. Get your shit together.” She left.

Demetrius was stuck. He sat on his couch with his stiff cock, he had to release. He pulled up a video and stroked as he watched a pretty black woman get fucked slow and deep by a black man, “Yeah, that’s it,” he commented as he stroked his shaft faster and faster.

His forehead beaded with sweat, he bit his lip and stroked faster. He felt it and just as the man in the video squirted on the woman’s face, his lava flowed from the peak, “Oh my god, shit.”

He panted and sat there shaking his head. He knew he fucked up and getting over Bree wasn’t going to be as easy as he’d hoped.


The evening was young. Bree stepped out of her house wearing a mid-thigh black sequenced dress that had the back cut out, spaghetti-strapped. Her hair was cut in a beautiful bob that dropped below her shoulders in front, cut shorter in the back, and had these big wavy curls with pinches of burgundy.

Kate was outside, “Wow, you look fabulous,” she said as she walked over to her, “God I love this cut on you.”

“Thank you.”

“I heard you were going dancing or something.”

“Yes, Girls’ night.”

Allen had just pulled up with his friend Steve. They had gone bowling. He eyed Bree in the dress. She did look delicious. Steve took notice as well, “Dude you were serious. Your girlfriend and wife like each other.”

Allen hit his arm as he walked over, “Hi.”

“Allen, doesn’t Bree look lovely?”

He nodded, “Always.”

“Thank you.”

“You do look magnificent if I may add on to the myriad of compliments.”

“Thanks.” She laughed, “And you must be Steve.”

“You know me?”

“Well, I’ve heard Allen talk about you.”

“Good things I hope,” he joked.

“Of course.”

“Well, Bree, enjoy dear,” Kate said as they began to walk away.

Bree got into her sedan and started the car. She placed her phone on a holder. She received a text message from Allen, “Remember this,” along with a picture of his stiff cock.

She replied, “I’ll never forget it.”

Bree arrived at the address in Charlotte and waited for someone to open the door. When the door swung open immediate squeals, “Best friend!” Nicole exclaimed, “Come in boo, look at you.” She said as she looked at her outfit, hair, and makeup, “Oh you trying to catch something tonight.”

“Yes Lawd, she got the fuck’em dress on,” said Nicole’s friend Charmaine. They were wearing fitted dresses that had plunging necklines.

Bree said, “I guess y’all trying to catch something too, got ya titties all out.”

They laughed.

“So what are we doing?” asked Bree.

“I got us a VIP section at this nice Latin club a bachata group is playing tonight.”

“Oh lord.”

“Why are you acting like you don’t like bachata all of a sudden, when you were fucking that Dominican dude all you could talk about was bachata, even got a tattoo on ya back.”

Charmaine laughed, “Damn sis you had it bad.”

“Shut up!”

Nicole was a fair-skinned black woman. She had long extremities, was very lean, a pretty face, however, she could switch from corporate to hood in 2.5 seconds. She danced the bachata and joked, “She was in love, am I lying?”

“I never said it was a lie…I said, shut up.”

“Oop, she basically said to mind ya business.”

“She is my business,” she said as she hugged Bree.

“Yeah, I guess,” Bree joked.

“Awe, you know you love me,” Nicole looked around, “Where the hell is Peaches?”

“She texted that she’s five minutes out.”

“That bitch is always five minutes out. Like, leave five minutes earlier so your ass can be on time. “

They laughed.

The doorbell sounded, Charmaine strutted over to the door wearing red stilettos, opened it, and said, “Hey boo!”

They hugged, “It’s Peaches, bitches,” she said as she entered. She most often announced herself that way with close friends. “Y’all ready or what?”

“See ma’am don’t do that,” Bree pointed, “How you late and asking us if we’re ready.”

“Facts.” Added Nicole.

They grabbed their purses and headed to the club.

The ladies had a nice section with drinks and appetizers as they watched the concert. Nicole received a text message and stood up, she waved. She saw a man about five-eleven make his way through the crowd. His hair was cut in a fade, he was a brown-sugar complexion with gray eyes.

Bree saw when Nicole walked over to the ropes and hugged the man. She wondered who it was and when Nicole stepped aside, she saw him, Marcel. He looked handsome as ever.

“Look who’s here,” Nicole said with excitement. When Marcel and Bree dated, she loved their dynamic. She didn’t understand why they broke up. She walked Marcel over to Bree.

“You look amazing,” he said. His eyes danced across her skin.

She blushed, “Thanks, what are you doing in North Carolina.”

“I heard that you were here and Nicole told me that she would be staying with you. I wanted to see how you were.”

She nodded, “I’m good.”

He nodded, “Yes, you look damn good.”

She smiled.


Kate was fast asleep. Allen lay next to her and stared at the ceiling. All he could do was think about Bree. He reached over for his phone. He searched her IG page. She didn’t post anything.

He wondered if she was okay. He looked and saw the friend that she hung out with, Nicole. She had posted several pictures and tagged Bree and many others. He saw the live video recording of Bree dancing the Bachata with Marcel all sexy, his hands on the small of her back nearly touching her ass.

Allen grunted. He didn’t understand why he felt that way. He knew she was free to do what she wanted, but it didn’t stop him from being a little upset. He sighed and went into the living room and sat on his couch.

He tried to watch tv, but it only watched him as he scrolled through his phone. He started to text her a few times but refrained.

He wondered if she was returning home that night or the next day. After waiting up for hours, around 2:00 am, he saw headlights. He walked over to the window and saw her car. She was alone. That was a good sign, he thought.

He waited a few minutes and sent a text message, “Did you enjoy your night?”

She responded, “It was fun. What are you doing?”

“Thinking about you.”

“Obviously,” she chuckled, “Come over if you can.”

He hurried and left through the backdoor and went passed the pool out his yard into hers.

He had the code to the spare key lockbox. He entered and saw her sitting in a robe on the sofa. He walked over and sat next to her.

“So,” he clasped his hands together, “Did you do anything interesting tonight?”

She chuckled and eyed him sexily, “Ask me what you want to ask me, and I’ll always tell you the truth.”

He nodded, “Okay, I saw on your friend’s page that you were dancing with a guy. I went to his page and saw pictures of the both of you together.”

She confirmed, “I dated him before Demetrius.”

“Did you two — “

“Previously or tonight?”

He chuckled, “Tonight?”

“No. we just talked. He was just checking up on me. We were good friends before we started dating.”

“I hope I’m not doing…too much as you’d say.”

“No, it’s okay to ask questions. I’m fine with it. Plus, I already told you, I find it sexy when you act a lil jelly.”

He blushed. He opened her robe and saw her nakedness. Her skin was still moist from taking a quick rinse in the shower. He pinched her nipple leaned into her and suckled while squeezing the other breast.

He looked up and their eyes met, their lips almost touched. He placed his finger in her opened mouth and she sucked before they kissed. He pulled her legs until she rested back on the pillows. She was open to him. He had one leg locked in position as he flicked his tongue rapidly on her clit. Her hips thrust forward and she rubbed his head, “Oh my god, shit.”

He pushed his two fingers inside as he licked, she tried to squirm, but he held her in position. He looked up into her eyes. He saw how much she wanted him. He pulled off his joggers and his cock was stiff. He sat, “Come here,” he said.

She mounted his cock and eased down. He gripped her ass tightly and pounded from below. Her tongue danced in his mouth and she sucked his lips, “Oh my God,” she moaned.

He slapped the right butt cheek and she moved faster holding onto him, showering his face with kisses. He felt it when she pulsated on his cock. He positioned her legs and stood.

He bounced her on his cock as he eyed her biting his lip. She knew he was on a mission to prove a point and she loved it. “Oh yes, Allen, fuck me, baby, fuck me,” she encouraged him.

“You like my cock in your little pussy.”

“Yes, baby.”

“I’m the only one you’re fucking right.”

“Yes, baby.”

He laid her down and pressed his chest close to her breasts. Their hearts beat rapidly. He looked down and watched his cock slide covered in her honey. She grinned, “You like watching your dick in my pussy.”

He nodded and kissed her mouth. He grunted and groaned, “Ahhhh, fuck.” He jerked and collapsed in her arms, humming and cooing until the sensation passed.

She stroked his head. He could see something in her eyes, but he wanted to hear it, “What are you thinking?”

She gave a side smile, “We’re in dangerous territory.”

He smiled. He understood. “Do you want to stop?”


He kissed her mouth. His cock was still semi-hard. He kept it inside and rubbed her clit until she came all over his hand.

He left her house around five in the morning.



Marianna Love

Passionate about life, lover of words. I write poetry, fiction, romance, and erotica.