Master The Medium Editor

All the keyboard shortcuts you need to know to format like a pro.

Marianna Morais
2 min readApr 24, 2020
Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

This guide will cover every shortcut you need to know to speed up your workflow; by using the following shortcuts you will be able to cut a lot of time spent looking for the right way to format your writing exactly how you want it.

Important notes: I will be using mac shortcuts, for windows just substitute the “Cmd” to “Ctrl” and the “Opt” to “Alt”. To undo a shortcut just do it again.

To add a kicker (above title) or subtitle (below title): Cmd+Opt+2.

Text formatting:


Large Heading: Cmd+Opt+1

Small heading: Cmd+Opt+2


Regular quote: Cmd+Opt+5.

Super quote: Cmd+Opt+5 (press 5 twice).


  • Bullet list, like this one: type a dash, “-”, hit space, and start writing.
  1. Number list: type “1.”, hit space, and start writing.



Marianna Morais

Business student living in the UK. Born in Brazil and have lived in The Cayman Islands and Miami, Florida. Twitter @mariannamoraiss