Prototyping UI in Unity Part 1 — Installing Unity and Creating a Project

Mike Mariano
Design + Sketch
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2018

< Previous: Introduction

Installing Unity

If you haven’t already done so, download and install the latest version of Unity.

When prompted to install, keep the default settings and select Continue.

Installing Unity and Components

It may take some time to download and install and you’ll eventually need a Unity account. So while you’re waiting, you might as well make one now.

Once it’s finished installing, enter your information and sign in.

Sign in with your Unity account

Create a Project

To create a new project, you can either press New Project in the middle of the dialog, or the New button in the upper right corner.

Create a new project
  1. Call the project PhotoApp and save it in a folder of the same name anywhere you like (I saved mine in my Documents folder).
  2. Select 2D
  3. Turn off Unity Analytics
  4. Press Create Project
Create a new project and customize your settings

You should now see your new project:

Default project view

Choose Your Platform

By default, the project will be set to a PC, Mac & Linux Standalone project. Since I typically design first for iOS, I switch my project to iOS, which brings all the device resolution sizes over to test in.

To switch projects, go to File > Build Settings which will bring up this dialog.

Switching platforms

Select iOS, and press Switch Platform in the bottom left corner.

Congrats, you’ve just created your first iOS Unity project!

Next: Part 2 — Exploring and Customizing the Interface

