5 Digital Solutions that Helped Us Survive the Pandemic

Maria Rodriguaze
7 min readJun 13, 2022


Embracing digital solutions since COVID

Remote work, drone deliveries, online shopping, telehealthcare, electronic signatures, business process automation, contactless production, virtual meetings, and online education highlight the seemingly endless list of digital modes that businesses turned towards when they felt the tremors of COVID-19. Digital technology has witnessed a drastic transition in terms of consumer behavior and other business workflows in markets. Oblivious, at first, almost every industry and market has embraced web-based solutions almost instantly after the start of the pandemic.

The Present

As the uncertainty and a dubious fourth wave encompasses many parts of the world, businesses continue, albeit with only a semblance of stability and solace, thanks to online and digital solutions. Even with industry giants insisting that remote work will be coming to an eventual end, employees are still battling with the ambiguity of having to return to the physical office. But, businesses armored with digital workflows and hybrid models aren’t wallowing in anxiety pangs. They’ve got lesser things to worry about now. There is no better time to reinforce our foundations and align business strategies with technology-fueled operations, to be prepared for any future.

The Future

Well, in all honesty, it’s a tough bet. According to most reliable sources, the consensus is that the worst is behind us. But, as much as we’d like to concur with the experts, business acumen demands we stay prepared, armor on. Besides, consumer behavior and markets have evolved for good. These trends aren’t just temporary. They’re here to stay. So, going back to processes from the era that preceded COVID won’t resonate with clients anymore. The fact is, the preference for automation and location-agnostic facilities has long been a promising concept, but adaptation was rather slow. The pandemic, however, forced this transition at an accelerated pace, dragging even the most skeptical minds in its tidal wave.

The Past

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do beforeRahm Emanuel

Digital solutions emerged as the knight in shining armor, helping sustain economies and families as they stormed through rocky terrain.

Let’s have a look at some of these digital wonders that propelled businesses even during the pandemic:

  • Digital Money Transfers
  • Digital Networking Platforms
  • Digital Learning Platforms
  • Digital Healthcare Platforms
  • Digital Business and HRM Solutions

Digital Money Transfers: Social distancing has been crucial through every phase of the pandemic. Before the coronavirus struck havoc in our lives, many people were skeptical about using plastic money or electronically transferring funds. But COVID made it Critical to Go Digital! The general population from both urban as well as rural areas across the globe shifted from cash and check payments to contactless payment instruments. The total cash value in circulation has seen a sharp decline because of the digitalization of payments. People who were unfamiliar with online banking and skeptical about the security of such transfers rushed to open net banking accounts for contactless money transfers. The use of digital signatures expedited this cycle because e-signature platforms hastened the document signing process for account opening and mandatory procedures allowing consumers to begin accessing the wonders of mobile and net banking. E-signature platforms have been a kind companion to those who would have been rendered helpless, with many institutions refusing to accept cash for fear of transferring the deadly virus. Without digital signatures supporting the banking sector, there would have been more chaos, with people unable to access their funds when they needed them the most.

Digital Networking Platforms: No man can live like an island journeying through life in solitary confinement. Human beings are social animals. As much as we value our privacy or enjoy quiet moments of blissful isolation, we need human connect to survive. Whether a brand sells a product or a service directly or indirectly to a business or the end consumer, at the end of the day, they are there to simplify life and make it better. At the heart of it all, a brand must have the ability to enhance life irrespective of the outlook, industry, approach, or route. Now, people need to feel connected, network with each other, engage in conversations, and have experiences that involve each other as a group or community. And COVID restricted this basic human need. Many IT giants recognized this void and made virtual and digital interaction accessible and practical. Today, tête-à-têtes are a rare phenomenon and have been replaced by video conferences, virtual business suites, and messaging applications backed by blockchain technology that make networking a whole lot easier. Alongside the popular apps, elite business software that requires multifactor user authentication for added security also emerged. Transfers of sensitive data and contracts have been possible through integration with digital signature software platforms. Businesses have sustained and didn’t come to a standstill because e-signature service providers have enabled economies to function through the appropriate use of their technology.

Also Read: 8 ways e-signatures can transform your business!

Digital Learning Platforms: Social distancing, though essential, snatched the jobs of millions. These unemployed people needed to upskill in order to fit into novel job roles that blossomed as a result of contactless workflows. Many professionals who have been practicing a specific skill set their entire career had to deviate from their comfort zone and experiment with jobs that required training. Ill-equipped to perform without adequate education, online training and learning management systems proved to be very beneficial to students, trainers, institutions, and professionals all at the same time. While children and young students were able to continue their education online, even professional courses and training have seen a 360-degree change. Additionally, almost every institution, whether for students or professionals, has incorporated remote online signing platforms with existing software for easier admission, application, and even certification processes. Digital signature platforms can be integrated with several other technologies, including the most basic form — through e-mails. Reliable e-signature service providers use cloud computing services so authorized users can access their attested certifications and other course forms or documents easily through a web-enabled device allowing education to become location-agnostic and accessible to all.

Digital Healthcare Platforms: IoT (internet of things) has made healthcare more accessible, affordable, and sustainable, especially when the healthcare infrastructure of the world has been overburdened. COVID made us realize the need to bridge healthcare with technology. Digital healthcare encompasses a wide range of technology, including but not limited to applications, software, sensors, devices, AI, and platforms that can be integrated to gather patient, doctor, treatment, and post-care information. Now, such essential information can be collected on a safe and secure, private hosting platform, collated appropriately, verified, stored, and utilized after authorization for treatment, preventive care, statistics, research, development, immunization, and several other purposes within the healthcare ecosystem. Insurance forms can be processed quicker at the click of a button using digital signature technology. Cashless hospitalization can be acquired with e-signatures and chip insurance cards without exerting anxiety and stress on ailing patients or their caretakers. In-patient or out-patient details can be automated, and treatments can be authorized and finalized by next-of-kin residing in inaccessible locations through the use of e-signatures. Certified doctors can prescribe medication and treatments online, while healthcare staff prioritizes hospital beds for severe cases. Likewise, pharmacies can deliver schedule H drugs and medication requiring prescription through digital signature certificates obtained via online consultations. So much has changed within the healthcare sector since COVID and this is just the beginning.

Digital Workflows: The coronavirus, though unwelcome, proved to be the big bang of this digital revolution. IoT, SaaS, DaaS, AI, autonomous technology, and robotics have been around for decades. But, COVID inevitably became the catalyst that jolted those unwilling to conform to digital processes. In fact, today, businesses cannot survive without a commendable digital infrastructure. Business workflows, client interactions, and consumer behavior have all changed, and these changes are irreversible. Most employees prefer location-agnostic workflows, while customers have grown accustomed to the convenience of digitization. Organizations must reinforce these digital workflows to remain productive and profitable in such an environment and keep in line with the competition. Business process automation, digital signature solutions, human resource management systems, human capital management suites, and enterprise resource planning platforms are a few examples of how businesses can incorporate modern sustainable workflows and bid adieu to tedious processes that are not only time consuming and paper-centric but also less efficient and counterproductive. For instance, in pre-COVID times, hiring a new employee and the subsequent onboarding process would have culminated in a few days of work, including offer letters and contract agreements being signed and authorized in a few days accounting for the back and forth of authorization documents in this simple process. With e-signature platforms, an HR team can finalize their candidate and send across an offer letter that has been digitally signed by authorized personnel. Similarly, the offer document can be read and returned with e-signatures by the new employee, and HR can complete the recruitment cycle in a few moments instead of a few days. Decisions and implementation of actions can be accelerated using digital workflows such as e-signature technology. In reality, without electronic signature technology and e-signature platforms, a significant chunk of the population would have languished in agonizing ordeals awaiting jobs.

With the proliferation of digital technology in almost every nook and cranny of the corporate world, businesses can no longer afford to languish in impractical processes. Integrating electronic signatures in this post-pandemic phase is not just beneficial but essential. There is no more room for digital laggards. Moreover, Internet traffic and online transactions have increased drastically in both developing and developed nations. This spike in reliance on digital solutions has made it urgent for businesses to adapt to compliant digital signature workflows to ensure no gaps in the authorization and execution of their plans. After all, we are fighting COVID through digital innovation and transformation!

For a more detailed understanding of how you can join this digital revolution and improve your business with DrySign’s e-signature solutions, get in touch with us now!

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Maria Rodriguaze

DrySign’s quick, simple, and user-friendly platform allows users to transform the way document signing processes are managed and executed