How eSignatures Benefit Senior Citizens

Maria Rodriguaze
6 min readAug 9, 2022


Seniors Get Comfortable with E-signatures

More and more seniors are embracing the internet on smartphones and laptops for daily chores such as getting groceries and medical supplies delivered to their doorstep. Technology has made the life of our senior citizen population more simple and convenient than ever. The ratio of daily internet users is rising continuously with access to broadband speeds and high-speed networks. With technology being a regular facet of life, senior citizens are becoming more accepting of new trends. Instead of technology alienating them, easy-to-use, simple controls are bringing convenience to manual tasks.

75% of Sr. Citizens above 75 are Active Internet Users

– Pew Research Center.

However, there are some avenues wherein our elderly population is still lagging. Certain inevitable processes like collecting and applying for pension, social security benefits, healthcare, insurance claims, banking, accessing other government services, etc., can turn strenuous for the better part of this population. The paperwork, more often than not, is burdensome and requires the physical presence of the person. So what if there was a digitally secure solution that could help the elderly sign confidential documents securely without taking the trouble of stepping out of their homes?

Yes, you heard that right. The answer is electronic signatures, defined as data that is logically associated with other data and which is used by the signatory to sign the associated data. In layman’s terms, an e-signature can be any type of audio file, a graphic representation, or a procedure that is somehow associated with an electronic record.

DrySign is an e-signature platform with an array of features that help a user enjoy a series of benefits such as remote signing, document security, legal compliance, document tracking, etc.

Here is a list of our top-most features:

Smart Dashboard –An interactive, easy-to-navigate dashboard that offers users a 360-degree view of their digital signing history. You can save your digital signature here and not have to sign over and over again. The dashboard also provides a history of documents, for ex: whether you have any pending signatures or if a signature you requested has been executed.

Notifications and Reminders — Get notified of any pending documents that require your e-signature through the dashboard and your registered email address. You can also send out reminders to your recipients to fast-track the signing of the documents. Perfect for sending reminders to senior citizens.

Group Sign — DrySign allows multiple signatories to sign documents remotely regardless of their location. This can be used to sign transfer documents, joint account holder forms, etc.

Security and Confidentiality — Online signatures are legally binding and acceptable in a court of law in a growing number of countries worldwide. DrySign is compliant with major global e-signature laws and also holds an SSL certification, ensuring that your documents are protected at every step.

Perks of Online Signatures

During the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns and social-distancing norms, the older population experienced a great deal of trouble getting basic chores done. With the rapidly advancing digital age, digital documentation and e-signatures have become a big part of businesses and industries. In the post-pandemic times, they could also become a platform for households, just like a family printer. Remotely signing insurance documents, pension documents, government-related forms, etc.

E-signatures offer the following benefits:

Time-saving — E-signatures can save time for senior citizens looking to send or receive signatures from institutions or government organizations. Documents can be reviewed, and changes tracked using Exela’s DrySign platform. This saves a trip to the local office, and the documents can be signed and reviewed from the comfort of their homes.

Easy Document Management — Document management becomes simpler for the elderly with documents being archived on the cloud. Document history also makes it convenient to track the progress of any pending signatures. Documents on DrySign are saved on the cloud with immediate access to the user.

Low Chances of Human Error — Digital documents can be zoomed into to read the fine print and understand the legalese before providing consent. This lowers the error rate usually encountered while filling physical forms and prevents the wastage of paper. This also means that an aged person does not have to make repeated trips to the office in case of errors committed by either side.

Secured with High Encryption — Digital documents signed with e-signatures are encrypted to ensure the data remains secure. In addition, DrySign provides multi-factor authentication, password-protected documents, and SSL certification to enhance the security of your account.

Eliminate Manual Tasks — The elderly can utilize technology at their fingertips by using the internet. With DrySign accessible on desktops, laptops, and smartphones, users can access their documents from virtually anywhere.

Also Read: 10 Frequently Asked Questions about the use of eSignature

Although the use of electronic signatures can vary from person to person, their implementation in processes has facilitated growth and lowered the turnaround time. With forgery and fraud threats on the elderly on the rise, digital signatures can act as a preventive measure. Here are some examples within the industries outlined below.


The healthcare industry has been overburdened by the coronavirus pandemic. Although electronic health records (EHRs) have lessened the burden to a certain extent, filling up forms is taxing. This is especially true in the case of senior citizens who need to wait in seemingly never-ending lines for their next appointment. The transition to digital can streamline the process and provide the flexibility to senior citizens to sign documents and fill forms from home. This can reduce the extensive time and resources required for patients and get them the required healthcare. The creation of digital compliance forms and agreements can expedite any medical process. The sheer transparency and convenience of the process have convinced many to embrace the new technology, and hopefully, it can also be adopted by our growing senior citizen population.


Banks form an important part of the routine of the elderly looking to withdraw their pensions and savings for day-to-day use. Although ATM cards and internet banking are available as services, senior citizens prefer to visit the banks in person. This changed due to the coronavirus pandemic and restrictions placed on physical movements. A common way to secure their investments is via a digital signature that can be used for all digital banking needs. Signature mismatches are a common occurrence due to old age and health problems, but e-signatures verify the user securely and remotely and allow access to funds and other monetary assets. This can also prevent phishing attempts and fraud.


Insurance claims and forms are being increasingly digitized by carriers, brokers, and solution providers. Senior citizens can leverage this opportunity by giving their consent on forms through e-signatures. This can culminate in the churning of a higher number of policies and faster processing of claims. With the modernization of systems in the industry taking priority, digital workflows can lower the chances of incomplete or error-prone processes. It increases efficiency and productivity and creates a sense of trust among the elderly.

The elderly can face setbacks due to ailing health issues, family issues, etc. But they can safeguard themselves by creating a digital signature that is approved by their government institutions. Senior citizens should update their signatures at the earliest and create accounts to safeguard their future and enjoy their retired life.

Sign up today with DrySign to create legally binding signatures and enjoy numerous benefits with just a click.

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DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is for general information purposes only and is not intended to serve as legal advice. Laws governing the subject matter may change quickly, and Exela cannot guarantee that all the information on this site is current or correct. Should you have specific legal questions about any of the information on this site, you should consult with a licensed attorney in your area.



Maria Rodriguaze

DrySign’s quick, simple, and user-friendly platform allows users to transform the way document signing processes are managed and executed