How To Be Arrested At A Protest

Maria Rose
4 min readJun 6, 2020

You are a part of a grand American tradition. Here’s some tips to do it right.

We are living in a time of political upheaval — as generations have done before us, and as generations will do after us. Often it is during a time of friction, frustration, passion, and pent up feeling. Take a deep breath and realize that protest means progress — we feel friction because change is happening, and more than that, change is possible. It’s easy to lose sight of how protests are a part of our functioning democracy, proof that our democracy is working — not that our democracy is broken. Let’s celebrate protest by examining some best practices for protesting, and being arrested at a protest for the benefit of yourself, your cause, and everyone involved. (This post should not be taken as a replacement for legal advice, you should do your own due diligence, and take into account your local laws.)

Know your rights

You have a legal right to protest, but that legal right must be exercised within certain parameters. The ACLU gives an excellent breakdown of your rights under various situations, and is a great resource to better understand the laws that work in your favor. From their website: “Police may not break up a gathering unless there is a clear and present danger of riot, disorder, interference with traffic, or other immediate threat to public safety.” Ask why you are being arrested and what law is bring broken. If they cannot answer this, ask if you are free to leave.

