María Sotos
3 min readSep 20, 2021


Have you ever wondered if there’s life out of our planet? Aliens do exist? Would they be good or bad? Can I get a photo with them? Is area 51 their land base?

In the past no one believed in aliens, they just talked about humans and Gods. Perhaps, the latest century has lent into a more fictional culture. Movies such as Star Wars, Paul, Alien … had opened a door to a new world full of high-tech technology, spacecraft, intergalactic wars, unbelievable spices, and majestic planets far beyond our planet and consciousness.

Latest discoveries by Scientifics claim to have discovered the rest of what could have been a hint of past life on Mars. In many cultures, strange shapes have been portrayed as nonhuman figures that resemble this kind of intergalactic culture expecting humans don’t find them. And not far from here, UFO sightings have been reported more frequently these past decades.

The first UFO sight was in 1868 in Chile. A strange sky effect alerts the population. In the same way, many other UFO sights have been reported. In the USA two pilots died after trying to chase a UFO, but the first real sight documented by a common citizen was in 1981 in Spain. Residents assured that a white light descend from the sky and impact next to their houses. Of course, these examples are classified as the first kind of UFO sights. The second kind and third are more specific but mostly invented to gain attention.

If they exist or not is not the main question these days. It seems that all the human population believes in them more and more. Every single night they look up to the sky, wondering when they will appear. And this leads us to the main question: How would you react to this situation?

Imagine yourself watching a movie in the middle of the night. A strong crash sounds upstairs in your bedroom. You find out an oddly creature is looking at you asking for help. What would you do?

Well, if you were Selene, Alien´s diary main character, you wouldn´t even think about it before helping the little creature. And after some hours of realization, you’ll freak out.

What´s best about this weird story? From my point of view, the long path she's going to walk with Altaïr, the alien that ended up in her room.

Alien´s diary is a book that narrates Selene´s story, a teen girl who doesn't find herself in society. She only wants to be the perfect little girl who everybody on social media loves. But Altaïr will show her how life doesn’t depend on social media or technology development, but personal development.

Isn’t it funny how an alien has to teach a human how to be herself?

The story is written as a circle structure mixing the past with the future but living in the present. This way, the reader won’t know how the book started until it is finished. The book also gets references from The Wizard of Oz, Herman Hesse Demian´s, Carl Jung´s psychology, and kind of a Star Wars fiction.

I mean, who wouldn’t want to be best friends with an alien and travel all around the universe discovering new ways of living and technology development?

I´m not sure if humans and aliens will meet any time soon, or if I´ll be dead when this happens, but this story has given me a little hope of what could happen in a not-so-far future.

